Friday, June 16, 2017

Prussian Empire - Imperium Sky Fortress

The Prussian Empire Imperium Sky Fortress is an impressive model. It can carry six fighter SAWs, excellent forward Tesla coils, good Tesla broadsides and three bomb bays. It is available as a single model or in the Aerial Battle Group box from Spartan Games.
 I started by priming it black. Then a rough drybrush of a Cold Steel and Frostbite mix, then a drybrush of Trollblood Highlight. Then Cold Steel or Rhulic Bronze for the metal bits. The carrier deck was painted a dark dollarstore brown then drybrushed with a lighter brown. Some dollarstore red was applied to the engines. Arcane Blue was used on the windows. The whole model was then washed with GW Nuln Oil. The flag was Morrow White, Skorne Red, and Thamar Black.
I also have two, one from the box set and one on its own from somewhere.To keep them separated I painted different numbers on the deck and the wingtips of the planes either red or white.

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