Saturday, September 14, 2019

Darth Vader - Nicer, Gentler version

Since I had two Darth Vaders, because of having two starter sets, I decided to have fun with the second one. This one I will use when fighting against another Vader or against Luke/Leia.

Primed white I used the GW Contrast Apocathary White. Then I drybrushed GW Dry Praxeti White and toughed up with Morrow White. The Pink is Game Air Squid Pink. Green is mix Necrotite Green and Menoth White Highlight then drybrushed mix Necrotite Green vs 2 portions of Menoth White Highlight. The Lightsaber blade is Carnal Pink.
I then applied GW Gloss to the armor portions only. Solid Gold was used on the cloak chain, parts of tech, and parts of the lightsaber. Cold steel was used on the other parts. Chest panel and belt buttons were painted Khador Red Base, Necrotite Green, or Cygnar Blue Highlight.
The base was made with a Basius plate. Painted dollar store black, roughly drybrushed Umbral Unber, drybrushed Bloodstone, lightly drybrushed Beast Hide. Green parts on base painted Ordic Olive, drybrushed Wurm Green, and lightly drybrushed Necrotite Green mixed with Menoth White Highlight. A wash of GW Agrax Earthshade was applied to the entire model.

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