The paint scheme has been refined to the following: prime black, heavily drybrush mix of 2/3 Cold Steel and 1/3 Frostbite, wood floorboards Rucksack Tan, Cold Steel on weapons and dodads, Molten Bronze on details, and Arcane Blue on windows, wash of Nuln Oil.
These models can also be used for my Horizon Wars miniature game.
Now that I have the bad guys painted, its time to work on the neutral forces: Covenant of Antarctica! That was the Spartan Games name though as under Warcradle they are known as the Covenant of the Enlightened. I am thinking green colours and washes. That should take a lot less time and be more coherent paint job, as I have not painted any of them yet.
I have the most with the naval forces, just over 4000 points.
Land forces I have almost 3500 points.
For my air forces there are just under 1500 points.
I also have a bunch of infantry, 640 points worth that were painted specifically to be used with any factions.
The only Prussian models that I have which have not been painted are 30 airplanes, which I do not need at this time. If all my plane carriers were on the table I would need 40. Of course if I also had my two neutral landing fields out I would need another 18 planes. Also depending on the size of the game I would need between 1 and 4 free wings. There is also the neutral light carriers that can hold planes...I think I have convinced myself to paint these 20 planes eventually.
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