In the Spartan Games miniature game Dystopian Wars, the Kingdom of Britannia is the greatest naval power since its defeat of the Prussian Empire nearly fifty-five years previously. It is now 1870 and even though new super-science is used by all nations, Britannia must retain its holdings against the enemy on sea, land and air!
The Kingdom of Britannia starter is a great place to start and I fortunately picked it up on sale. I'm a sucker for sales. It comes with one battleship, three cruisers, nine frigates, two bombers and ten wings. More products for Britannia are available from Spartan Games web store here, hopefully your local store or web suppliers. The starter also comes with two shield generators to put in place of turrets on the battleship. The battleship also comes with an integral Guardian generator which provides shield protection for friendly units within a small area around it.
I painted mine similar to the design on the box art. The strange squiggle design is called "dazzle" camouflage. It is meant to confuse an enemies estimation of speed, heading and range. For the paint I used black Krylon base, P3 Botsrap Leather for the wood then drybrushed with P3 Khardic Flesh. P3 Cold Steel, P3 Morrow White, GW Dwarf Bronze, drybrush GW Solid Gold, P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight, P3 Cygnar Blue Base (for Britannia symbol and windows only) and Skorne Red (for Britannia symbol and bomber only), and finally P3 Arcane Blue for window highlights.
I thought it turned out very well except for the bomber. I'm still deciding if I need to rethink the wing and tail details.
Every Spartan Games starter box comes with cardstock templates...
...counters for damage...
...and more counters for damage.
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