Friday, September 19, 2014

Alexia Ciannor's Risen - Khador Sculpts

Next with the Warmachine Mercenaries Alexia Ciannor's Risen are the Khador scuplts. They were all one piece and easy to paint.

First I primed them with Krylon Black flat. Then a rough brush with P3 Hammerfall Khaki and drybrushed with P3 Menoth White Highlight. Then I used P3 Bastion Grey with a drybrush of P3 Cryx Bane Hightlight and lighter drybrush of Trollblood Highlight on the clothes and fuzzy hat. Then P3 Gun Corps Brown and drybrushed P3 Rucksack Tan on the boots and belt. The armoured pads were done with P3 Khador Red Base and drybrushed with P3 Khador Red Base Highlight. Then P3 Rhulic Gold was used on the buckle and Khador symbols. Then the bone parts of the model was washed with GW Gryphon Sepia while the rest of the model was done in P3 Devlan Mud then the whole model was done in Devlan Mud to make it more dark. P3 Bootstrap Leather was used for the arc in two coats.

Next is Thralls and Alexia herself!

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