Saturday, January 1, 2022

Games of 2021 and a look to 2022

Another year done and still lots of isolation from friends for games. Things did get better in the latter half of the year but our household is still limiting access to only one friend each for my wife and I, as she works in the health field. 

Game Books Read: Only five game books read. This year I read Carnevale Miniature Game pocket rulebook, Dystopian Wars: Salty Seadog edition, Uncharted Seas Hardback Edition, Wraith: The Oblivion 20th anniversary edition and the Black Dog book for Wraith Charnel Houses of Europe-The Shoah.

Boardgames: This year I played 46 boardgames with more than one person. Some for the first time and some were old favorites and looking to play ones that I have purchased in the last two years but not played yet. They were, in order of most to least played, Terraforming Mars (12), Crokenole (9), Watergate (4), Carcassonne (2), Dominion (2), Kingdomino (2), Lost Cities (2), One Small Step (2), Ticket to Ride: NY (2), 7 Wonders Dual, Bayonets and Tomahawks, Crib, Godzilla: Toyko Clash, Guillotine, King Phillip's War, Men of Iron: Agincourt, and Spacecorp 2025-2300.

Of solo boardgames played, there were 13. From most to least played there was Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms (5), Terraforming Mars (3), Gaia Project (2), Caverna, Tiny Epic Galaxy, and Tiny Epic Western. 

Video Boardgames: Games played through a computer skyrocketed this year after our introduction to Steam. With other people, I played 104 of them. They were in order of most to least played Carcassonne (51), Splendor (14), Ticket to Ride: NA (10), Terraforming Mars (9), Dominion (7), Ticket to Ride: Europe (5), 1775 (3), Small World (3), Ticket to Ride France (3), Twilight Struggle (3), Ticket to Ride: Germany, Ticket to Ride: Nordic, and Ticket to Ride Switzerland.

Solo computer games was also prolific, with 90 played. In order of most to least played there was Terraforming Mars (65), 1775 (4), Splendor (4), Dominion (2), Love Letter (2), Ticket to Ride (2), Ticket to Ride France (2), Wingspan (2), Agricola: All Creatures Great and Small, Dominion, Root, Small World, Through the Ages, Ticket to Ride: Nordic, Twilight Struggle. I expect to play more due to the ongoing omicron COVID variant and whatever other mutation occurs. 

Miniature Games Played: Not many miniature games played. Only seven. Hope to change that next year if the new variant stops proliferating. Games played were Frostgrave, Guildball: Morticians, Hardwar, Mechwarrior: Alpha Strike, Middle Earth Strategy Game, Star Wars: Heroes of the Anturi Cluster (2).

Miniatures Painted/assembled: Well its been a little slow and it seems I did mostly small scale items: 225 Horizon Wars spaceships made from LEGO, 82 Enlightened Dystopian Wars models, 6 Uncharted Seas terrain and monster items, 94 Iron Dwarf models for Uncharted Seas, 36 small scale terrain. Only seven ~30mm scale terrain items were made. I definitely have to work on painting more large scale models in 2022 while keeping the pace of smaller scale models, in particular my Malifaux, Guildball, Batman, and Carnivale figures. Perhaps even finish off my Kings of War Grey Empire army.

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