I started with a spray primer of Krylon black then a rough drybrush of Hammerfall Khaki. Then a drybrush of Gun Corps Brown on the shaded areas and a drybrush of 50/50 Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight on the raised sunny side of the model. Then it was Cold Steel to the metal parts. The face was done with Dark Flesh then a drybrush of Midlund Flesh and a light drybrush of Ryn Flesh.
Molten Bronze was applied to some metal parts and those were drybrushed with Rhulic Gold. The flames were painted with Khador Red then drybrushed with Khador Red Highlight and finally lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Yellow. The leather parts were painted with Bootstrap Leather and drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown and lightly drybrushed with Rucksack Tan. The visor lens was painted with Arcane Blue. The whole model (except flames) was washed with Army Painter Dark Tone. The side of the model facing the flames was drybrushed with Cygnar Yellow to give some object source lighting. The base and arc was painted with Bootstrap Leather, graveled and flocked with GW stuff with Army Painter Wasteland Tuft.
This little guy will probably be an auto include because he's so awesome with Rhulic Jacks.
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