Friday, January 26, 2018

Maki Containers for Batman Miniature Game

These containers are from a Maki Games Kickstarter I donated to in 2013 and received a year later. I didn’t do anything with them because I stopped playing Warhammer 40k and my interest in Infinity waned in favour of other games. When looking through my terrain kits collecting dust in order to make some Batman Miniature Game terrain, I decided to put some together to see what I could come up with.

Unfortunately, I did not get the modern setting sides to make proper modern setting containers but the sci-fi ones work very well for high-security ones. They sell the containers, in 40k skull and flip side modern, here at their webstore as well as other items. One issue that the company advised people of is to either shave the pegs or file the holes so that the pieces could go together and come apart with greater ease. All was painted with dollarstore paints and logos/text printed and glued on and coated with glue with Gorilla brand wood glue.
The Blackgate Penitentiary is my favorite of the three I made. The prison orange and worn look, made it feel that it is used to transport criminals both powered and unpowered but all dangerous.
The WayneTech container is basic and blends into the background. Perfect for Batman to get one dropped where he may need equipment for a mission or as support.
The LexCorp container is a little Superman in the world of Batman, but Lex does provide arms to the highest bidder. He also could be planning schemes against powered humans and aliens no matter where they are and supporting a crew in Gotham. Nothing can be proven in court, of course.
I will see what from the Maki Games Kickstarter I can use for terrain as time progresses.

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