Sunday, August 31, 2014

Deadzone - More Scenery

As posted earlier this year, this is the second shipment of Deadzone scenery from mantic

 It included two of the ruined sprue packs and two of the expanded sprue packs. Now that I have everything I ordered in the Kickstarter, I will be looking forward to making cleaner future scenery that has less skulls on it for Infinity. Warhammer 40k scenery is great for the grimdark feeling of the 40k universe but is too dark for the manga-esque Infinity universe.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Malifaux Tourament at Curious Comics

I participated in a Malifaux Tournament on Sunday, at Curious Comics Too!, and enjoyed myself. I played a Perdita Ortego family list and started to enjoy the long range supremacy this gang has. There were six people there and several I have met before so it was nice seeing them again.

The first list that I faced against was a Kirai list with Killjoy as a surprise model. Killjoy is quite the terror when he comes out. I stood my ground and moved out of melee with the Enslaved Nephilium's ability to whittle his forces down. Once Kirai was downed I had an easier time but it was touch and go for a bit.

The second list I faced against was a Hoffman list with MS&U Rail and Metal Gaimens as add-ons. Perdita has the anti-armour/bullit bending upgrade so she tried to take on the approaching construct hordes but she fell in the end. After that I tried to go for victory points but was too far gone, alas.

Several onlookers were interested in the game and one fellow was intrigued enough to get the rules and a crew box. I gave him a spare copy of my game setup and turn sheets for helping him learn the game.

Monday, August 25, 2014

San Francisco and the area Gamestores

Gamescape: I've been to Gamescape many times over the years. It has helpful staff, plenty of selection and close to major transportation routes and other places I like to go to. Their used games have decreased in size to make more room for game tables, but that's ok.

Games of Berkeley: I'd never been here before and now i'll come back again when in the area. Excellent selection and helpful staff.

Endgame: I'd been here before and their independent press role-playing game and board game selection is good but their miniature selection is declining. Odd considering how their game playing area is the best i've seen in the San Fran area.

If i've missed some good ones, let me know and i'll visit them when in the area.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mercenaries - Steelhead Halberdiers

In order to have a better unit to delay the enemy forces from my fragile unit, it was suggested I get something cheap and effective...Steelhead Halberdiers! So far they are indeed effective, when moved in ranks to provide a layered curtain of defence. They are also working well in my Cygnar Constance Blaze lists when she is a mercenary caster. These guys will also be effective when I dive into the non-Rhulic Mercenary faction in depth in a few years (2018 at my current rate of three casters per year with at least 15 games played with each one).
I primed them with Krylon black flat. Then P3 Cryx Bane Highlight then drybrushed with P3 Cold Steel as i'm experimenting with a more greyer armour than shiny metal. I think it turned out very well. P3 Battledress Green with a drybrush of P3 Wurm Green and a lighter drybrush of P3 Necrite Green for the padding.
Faces were painted with P3 Khardic Flesh, then drybrushed with P3 Midlund Flesh. The halberd join at the blade was painted with GW Tin Bitz. The leather parts were painted with P3 Bootstrap Leather then drybrushed with P3 Rucksack Tan. The haft of the halberd was done with P3 Battlefield Brown. Then the whole model was washed with GW Devlan Mud. Eventually i'll paint the second unit the same colours then decide the different colours I want for their shoulder pads, that I didn't put on these guys.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Firestorm Armada Research Station

From the Storm Zone: Battle of Valhalla set is the research station. I wanted to keep the paint scheme generic so that any race could use it.
 Below is a size comparison to the new Terran Cruiser, from the same set.
 If you are wondering why the station is not on pegs or posed on the legs, shown in the picture on the website and box, see below.
I have tried and tried without gluing, because that will limit transportability, to put these fracking legs on the station. I've given up and will drill two holes so that a large/massive base will be able to be used. This is my main complaint with the model, otherwise it looks cool.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Firestorm Armada Terran Escorts

 Spartan Games Terran Escorts for their space combat Firestorm Armada game is very good with point defense versus missiles and boarding parties. They can be attached to a large model in a squadron of one to three and each cost the same as a cheap frigate.
I painted them the same as my Terran starter in the Valhalla box set.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Firestorm Armada Terran Battlestation

 Spartan Games Terran Battlestation for their space combat Firestorm Armada game is an interesting model. I painted it the same way I did for my recent Terran Starter in the Valhalla set.
I prefer them separated as you can see the dome in the center better and the top looks like a small station on its own.
The other option was these plastic support struts that I don't think will look good even if painted.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Maritimes - Bear Wood Wooden Markers

In Cornwallis Nova Scotia is a wooden product store that does the majority of its sales online, called Bear Wood. I stopped by here to pick up 30mm, 40mm and 50mm markers for Warmachine/Hordes, Infinity and Malifaux. I showed the used of them in this post.

As you can see they are very close or spot on to these sizes. I can use them for wreck markers and a host of other things, for when exact size matters. The previous ones I had I can use them for effect and condition markers.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Combined Army Obsidon Medchanoid and Slave Drones

These models, the Óbsidon Medchanoid and Slave Drones, come in separate packs. They not only act as a doctor but also an engineer. The Medchanoid operates behind the lines and the drones do the fixing remotly. They are a good choice to keep my army up and fighting.
They were primed white, washed with GW Badab Black. Then brushed with PP Wurm Green, drybrushed with PP Necrotite Green then lightly drybrushed with 50/50 PP Battledress Green and Menoth White Highlight. PP Cold Steel was used on the metal parts. GW Thraka Green wash was applied over everything. Then the eyes were painted with PP Skorne Red and drybrushed with PP Khador Red Base.
They were based the same as my Combined Army starter box.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Infinity 3rd Edition Videos

The fellows at Beasts of War have interviews and new rule changes for Infinity's 3rd edition with Carlos of Corvus Belli. It ceners around the new Infinity starter: Operation Icestorm.

What is in the Operation Icestorm starter box (49 min)

Many more are on Beats of War youtube Infinity 3rd edition page here.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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