Saturday, June 2, 2018

Wrecked Car Barriers

The barricades I made work great but I needed more if I want to have larger games or want some more varied terrain. Hence making the below wrecked car barriers.

I started with a bunch of cheap or broken cars form the two bulk buys I made from people, through an online classified site, and a friend who had extras from making his own groups of cars with his son.

I then placed then on a board...
...and put another board on top. I then stood on it and didn't make any noticeable damage. Time to go to Plan B.
Putting one car at a time between the two boards and hitting the top board with a rubber mallet did the trick. Only the scrap wood gets hurt. Lots of debris coming out the sides so recommend doing it outside in an area that you can sweep up the little plastic bits going everywhere. Very therapeutic.
The wood took a beating too! 
After that I used Gorilla glue to stack the cars up, used a dremel tool to rough them up, and used a medium dark wood stain to make them look old and more wrecked. I also used small bases made from thick plasticard that I'm going to glue them on for stability when transporting them.

Not a bad little project. I will be trying to get more cheap cars to make curved and long straightaways for more interesting track making.

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