Saturday, February 22, 2014

Neverborn Nephilium Barbados, Terror Tots, Young and Mature

I picked up a new plastic Lilith box set and the new larger Nephilium pack recently to add to my older metal Lilith set. This is because of the new upgrade, Rapid Growth, in Malifaux 2E that allows you to summon the next larger Nephilium once a model kills another model. That means I need more of each type.

 I painted these guys similarly to my metal Terror Tots models here. I just substituted P3 paints for GW paints for most colors. I started primed black, then P3 Khador Red Base, then drybrushed GW Red Gore. Then lighter drybrush of P3 Midlund Flesh and a light touch of GW Elf Flesh. The loincloth was P3 Meridius Blue then drybrushed P3 Arcane Blue. The horns were painted P3 Menoth White Highlight. The metal parts were painted P3 Ironhull Grey and drybrushed P3 Cold Steel and a lighter drybrush of P3 Quick Silver. They were then washed with GW Purple. Then I based them the same as my metal Lilith Gang here.

 My new plastic Young Nephiliums followed my metal young Nephilium here.Same as the Terror Tots for paint except more of the fleshes were drybrushed on to show they had grown more skin.

 As per above.

 Barbaros followed my metal young Nephilium above.

 My Mature Nephilium followed my metal one here. I drybrushed even more flesh color on for the reason above.
The only problem was basing all these models. I am worried that because they are not affixed to the base but rather tot he hardened clay on the base that they can come off in the future. We shall see.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Guild Exorcist

The Exorcist is a good Wyrd Miniatures Malifaux model to help your crew deal with undead or spirit threats. I wanted him to look like his picture below on the original stat card.
 For my paints I started with P3 Exile Blue, then drybrushed a mix of 50/50 Exile Blue and P2 Menoth White Highlight. The a 1/3 ratio of Exile Blue and Menoth White Highlight. The hat and boots I touched up with P3 Thamar Black and drybrushed with P3 Greatcoat Grey. The red bits I painted P3 Skorne Red then drybrushed with P3 Khador Red Base. The face was done in P3 Khardic Flesh and drybrushed P3 Midlund Flesh. The pouches and crossbow were done in P3 Bootstrap Leather and drybrushed with P3 Khador Red Highlight. The gold bits were painted with P3 Rhulic Gold.
 The brick base was done with air drying putty, explained here. The rim of the base was painted with GW Mecrite Red.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Neverborn Waldgeists

Here are my Malifaux Neverborn Waldgeists. I have not used them yet but they fit with Lilith's illusionary forest making upgrade, as well as Zorida. The background is from Corvus' Miniatures.
 Primed black, drybrushed GW Dark Angels Green, lighter drybrush of GW Goblin Green and final lighter drybrush of P3 Necrotite Green.
 Then P3 Khardac Flesh drybrushed on the wooden parts with P3 Midlund Flesh lightly drybrushed and finally P3 Ryn Flesh even lighter drybrushed on. The eyes were painted P3 Skorne Red with drybrushed P3 Khador Red Base.
 I then washed the green areas with GW Gryphone Sepia and the branch areas with GW Baal Red. I then went ove rthe green areas with a drybrush of P3 Necrotite Green again. The bases were painted dollarstore brown, flocked with GW flock and dead branches from walks through he forest used as logs. The lichen is generic hobby store lichen. The base was painted GW Liche Purple and the dots P3 Solid Gold.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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