Saturday, April 6, 2019

Malifaux 3E Reference Sheets, Strategy/Scheme Cards, Keywords

Being a long time player of Malifaux, since just before 2E, I wanted some help in figuring out the rule changes. Because of that, I set about making these sheets and Wyrd has given me permission to share them.
They are made of excepts from the 3E Ruleset as of 22 March 2019. Once the official rules are launched, I will update them and indicate such here. I used different colored sheets to indicate different categories but you do not have to.

Here are the links to download: Game SetupConditionsTerrainGameplayTiming

I also made these Strategy and Scheme cards, edited 27 July 2023, which are handier than writing them down on a sheet of paper. These will work until official ones are made. I printed them and used playing cards and sleeves to give them a better look.
Also made a list of model keywords and the models that have them, so that people will know what models can go with what crews. Its available here.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! It helped me and my friends learn so I thought I would share after asking Wyrd.

  2. Much appreciated! This is dandy having the important stuff laid out and organized. With a game as deep (= complicated) as M'fo, you'd figure there would be more reference stuff available. Thanks a lot for putting this together and making it public.

    1. No problem. It helped me learn the rules so I thought I would pass it along to others. Enjoy!


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