Sunday, April 14, 2019

Warriors Weekend 2019

Held at the Bay Street armories was the second Wounded Warrior gaming convention, with proceeds going to the charity Pilgrim Bandits. I participated last year and this year I helped set up, run demos, and helped tear down.
They had an upstairs area as well as another room for role playing games.
Here was the table I gave Horizon Wars demos on. I played one game with someone and ran two people through two games. A moderate success.
 I also played one demo of "Small Sci-fi", a working title for a local home brew 15mm near future miniature game. Simple rules but complex strategies with them. Superb scenery.
 On the second day I ran Gaslands. Unfortunately nobody participated but did have interest. Also sold $5 worth of cars for the Pilgrim Bandits charity.
 I did play a demo of Star Wars Legion, which was quick with simple rules with depth. By participating I also was entered into a draw for a starter box and two boosters...and I won! I'll add them to my painting schedule.
If I am in town I will participate next year.

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