Saturday, November 26, 2016

Dead Justice - "The Judge" or Punk Zombie

This model is a Malifaux Guild/Ressurectionist faction model that is great melee combat model. It was available in the Dead Justice box set several years back, in 2011 at GenCon. It counts as the judge or a punk zombie.
It was primed white. Pants were painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Flesh was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh, washed with Thraka Green, and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh mixed with Menoth White Highlight then washed with Thraka Green. Boots were painted with Umbral Umber, drybrushed with Bootstrap Leather and lightly drybrushed with Beast Hide. The jacket was painted with Bloodtracker Brown and drybrushed with Beast Hide.
 Arm braces and leg were painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown. Metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. Hair was painted with Thamar Black. Goggles painted with Quicksilver and lenses painted with Arcane Blue. Brass bits painted with Rhulic Gold. Mouth painted with Menoth White Highlight. 
The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red and Iosian Green.

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