Thursday, December 21, 2017

Nightwing (Arkham City)

Here is the Arkham City Nightwing for the Batman Miniature Game. The model is very mobile, has great combat abilities, and can allow your Brave and Bold crew to recruit one more Free Agent than normal with his Charismatic trait.

The model was primed white. The costume was painted Thamar Black, the blue parts painted Exile Blue, the whole thing drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight then lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. Then the blue parts were drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and finally lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight, then a light touch of Arcane Blue.
The skin was painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, and lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. The hair was painted Thamar Black and drybrushed with Coal Black. The batons painted the same blues as the costume, then the ends painted Cold Steel, drybrushed with Radient Platinum, then a touch of Arcane Blue in the end inserts.
The base was painted Thamar Black, heavily drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. The outer ring of the base was painted Exile Blue to indicate it belongs to the Brave and the Bold faction.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Scrap Metal Dumpster

Cannot remember which company made this modern scrap metal dumpster, but it looks great painted up. I think it was Armorcast.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Modular Stucco Buildings - Part 3 of 3

The walls are a little plain for the crime ridden streets of Gotham.I sought out and printer many images from the internet that had connections to the world of Batman or had Gotham in the title. On some I used GW Seraphim Sepia to age them. I then used a little craft/wood glue on the back side to affix them to the buildings and a little watered down glue for the frount. The following are a few sides of the buildings.

Abandoned "Gotham Furniture" store with "Vote Harvey Dent" posters from the second Nolan film. Also added police tape.
 Comic store, with comics code authority sign. Other side has "POW!" and "BAM!" graffiti with a Gotham Orthopedics store sign.
 Abandoned Gotham Gym, with police tape, and Batman mashed with Van Gogh's "A Starry Night".
 Two part Two-Face graffiti.
 "Elect Oswald Cobblepot for Mayor" posters from the Gotham TV show.
 Batman is not impressed with the Joker posters.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Modular Stucco Buildings - Part 2 of 3

My roofs are a little bare for a Batman and Gotham centered miniature game. I've had the HO Modulars "Roof Details" for about ten years but never used it. I had bought it for Warhammer 40k scenery that materialized when my friends stopped playing. Although it is HO scale it looks good beside the 35mm Batman figure.
 From above it looks like city rooftops would look like as well.
 I'm not gluing them on so that I can change up things, have them removed by brutes, or destroyed by damage.

I also made some boarded up window features out of popsicle sticks. Those I did glue on for convenience sake. I did not do it to all the buildings, just a large and small one.
Next up is signage and graffiti!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Modular Stucco Buildings - Part 1 of 3

Now that I'm starting to get things together to play the Batman Miniature Game, I need more modern terrain. For buildings, I found in my basement some Armorcast "Modular Stucco Buildings" still in the plastic packaging that I bought over ten years ago to play Warhammer 40k. These buildings are currently discontinued but the company will be making new molds sometime in the future.

The scale is 25mm so the doorways, windows, and interiors are a bit off. By not having middle floors on the two story structures I will mitigate this difference.
 I washed the heck out of the resin walls before gluing them together with JB Quickweld. This is because resin models, in particular old resin, has a film on it that is used in the manufacturing process that prevents paint from sticking.
 I sprayed it with Krylon black paint and primer. It was painted and drybrushed with dollar store paints. My wife commented that the roofs look a little bright but that may be solves later in step three of this three part project.
They can also be "combined" to make one big structure. Now onto step two.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Ruined Column Terrain

This terrain was made by the folks at Strange Aeons, a skirmish game of cult versus cult in the world of H.P. Lovecraft. I met them several years ago at a Trumpeter Salute gaming convention in Vancouver. It was painted with dollarstore paints.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Lord of the Rings Generic Terrain

Some scenery from the Games Workshop Lord of the Rings line. Painted with dollarstore paints. It was included in one of the starter two-player boxed sets but is no longer available.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

40k Barricades

Although these barricades are made for the Games Workshop Warhammer 40k game, they can be used in any game with similar scales. It is no longer sold.

The terrain was painted with various dollar store paints and washed with GW Agrax Earthshade before a final drybrush of very light grey.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Fishermen - The Hag

The Hag is a crafty model for the fishermen in the Guildball game. She has shadowlike, can move friendly models with a 2"dodge, can make herself harder to hit the first time, is cursed so it takes an extra influence to use character plays/attacks/charges the first time each model's other words she can be very annoying for the other player. A 2" melee adds to the level of annoyingness. I bought her separately but is now included in the second box set for Fishermen.
 Primed white and washed with GW Nuln Oil. Skin painted Iridian Flesh, drybrushed Khardic Flesh, and lightly drybrushed Midlund Flesh. Greys painted with Cryx Bane Base and drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight. Leather painted Umbral Umber and drybrushed Bloodstone. Blues painted Meridius Blue, drybrushed Arcane Blue, and lightly drybrushed a mix of Arcane Blue and Frostbite. 
Metals painted with Pig Iron and highlighted with Quicksilver. Ropes painted Thamar Black, drybrushed Sulfur Yellow, and lightly drybrushed Cygnar Yellow. Lighter leathers painted with Bootstrap Leather and drybrushed Rucksack Tan or Beast Hide. Hair painted Thamar Black, drybrushed Coal Black, and lightly drybrushed a mix of Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight, then drybrushed Menoth White Highlight. The jewelry is painted with Radiant Platinum. The sea creatures all over her are painted with a variety of bright colours.

Base made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. Painted dollarstore black. Dock painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Iridian Flesh, and lightly drybrushed a mix of Rucksack Tan and Menoth White Highlight. Water painted Meridius Blue, drybrushed Arcane Blue, Lightly drybrushed Frostbite. Everything was washed with GW Agrax Earthshade and outer base painted Arcane Blue.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Plastcraft - Malifaux Train Station

The Malifaux Train Station by Plastcraft is not only excellent terrain for Malifaux but I can see it in my other 25mm-35mm miniature games. It went together easily and being pre-painted by the company only hobby glue is required.
The roof also comes off for interior conflict and battles, like what colour drapes go with this wall paint.
  Here is the back.
 And the covered side. Looking forward to using this in future games.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Batman (Ben Afflick)

This is the special Batman included in the Suicide Squad Starter Box I bought several months ago. It is made by Knight Models for the Batman Miniature Game. In keeping with the Suicide Squad film, it is the Ben Afflick version of Batman. The Knight Models company has made several versions of Batman each with slightly different game costs and abilities. Twelve versions now including an Adam West one.
Primed white I painted it Thamar Black, drybrushed Greatcoat Grey, lightly drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, and even lighter drybrush of Cryx Bane Highlight. I then washed the model with GW Badab Black. I painted the bat symbol on the chest Thamar Black. I then did another light drybrush of Cryx Bane Highlight on the parts that are not cape and cowl with another wash of GW Badab Black. The face was painted Khardic Flesh, drybrush Midlund Flesh then washed the model with Agrax Earthshade.
The base was included with the model. I painted it Umbral Umber, drybrushed Bootstrap Leather, lightly drybrushed Rucksack Tan, and a final light drybrush of Menoth White Highlight. The base was washed with Agrax Earthshade. After gluing the model on the base I painted the rim with Exile Blue, the colour I will use for the "Brave and the Bold" faction.

Not my best model up close but at arms length it looks really good.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Suicide Squad Game Box

Earlier this year, in May, I picked up a huge amount of Batman Miniature Game figures from a store that was selling them cheap. This was because the company was changing the SKU codes and the distributor in Canada that the store dealt with was no longer going to carry them. Unfortunately there was no rulebook available at the store.

The month after, I found a webstore in Canada dedicated to the Batman Miniature Game that was selling this...the Suicide Squad Game Box. Among the things it came with was a rulebook. It also came with a special Batman, the Ben Afflick movie figure. More on that in another post.
You get an awful lot in the box. Two buildings, lamposts, markers, dice, and thirteen figures of the Suicide Squad and Joker's band from the same film (unassembled and unpainted) at 35mm scale. As mentioned before, you get the rulebook plus there are also special Suicide Squad scenarios to help learn the game. Currently there is a second edition of the rulebook available from the Knight Models company on their website for free, as well as a compendium and quickstart ruleset.
The buildings were easy to put together and for a three by three foot table you do not need much more scenery...but it would help. The buildings provided have lots of platforms for models to rest on as they scale up or down the building.
Here is the three story building with the Batman (Ben Afflick) figure for scale.
You can even stack them for skyscraper type action on the tabletop.
A good deal to get started in this game, as each figure will generally cost 20 euros or 40-50 euros for a leader and three henchmen models. The old models were metal and the new models being produced are made of resin. The Suicide Squad Game Box is currently out of print but may be available in some stores. They also might be looking at a new two player starter box as well. I will be posting more about the game and models I paint as time goes on.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Amphibious Landing Craft

These models were from the Amphibious Landing Set from Spartan Games, plus some extra models. They also came with beach objective tiles and rules for landing scenarios. The models are also able to be used with any faction.

Here is some of the craft with land units onboard.

Small carriers.

For medium land models. Also tugboats.

For small land models.

 The landing craft for large land models.

I used various dollarstore and some Privateer Press paints.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Desperate Mercenary (Male)

Like the female model, the male metal Desperate Mercenary model (available here in plastic) does not cost a lot of soulstones, isn't very good at shooting until he's taken at least a wound, and gives you a soulstone if he is eliminated. Worth it to plink him for a damage on turn one to make him combat viable for the rest of the game. He can also fan two targets for one AP, so saving him for end turn shenanigans is worth it.

Primed black. Skin painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. Pants painted Exile Blue, drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight, lightly drybrushed 50/50 Menoth White Highlight and Cygnar Blue Highlight. Shirt and greaves painted Mouldy Ochre and drybrushed Cygnar Yellow.
Jacket painted Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. Metals painted Pig Iron and highlighted Quicksilver. Reds painted Khador Red Base and drybrushed 50/50 Menoth White Highlight and Khador Red Base. Leathers painted either Umbral Umber and drybrushed Bloodstone or with Bloodstone and drybrushed Rucksack Tan. Hat and beard painted Thamar Black. Skull on hat painted Menoth White Highlight.
Base was made with hobby air drying clay and dental tools to shape. Painted dollarstore Black, rough brushed Skorne Red and drybrushed Khador Red Base. Entire model washed with Agrax Earthshade. Outer base painted Mouldy Ochre.

Not the best paint job looking at it close up on the camera but good enough for playing games on a table.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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