Sunday, January 29, 2017

Desolation Engine

The Desolation Engine is a tough beatstick that can damage models around it. Therefore it is great against bunched up models or targeting just one.

Primed the models white and gave them a black wash to bring out the detail. Painted the flesh parts Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with 50/50 Midlund Flesh and Wurm Green, lightly drybrushed with 50/50 mix of Ryn Flesh and Wurm Green. Then applied a wash of Thraka Green wash.
The metal parts were painted with Pic Iron with highlights of Quicksilver. The wires on some models were painted with Cygnar Yellow, Cygnar Blue Highlight, Khador Red Base, and/or Khador Red Highlight. The tongues were painted with Khador Red Base. The models then had GW Blood For The Blood God applied where needed.
The base is made from Basius 2 Steampunk plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, drybrushed with Umbral Umber, lightly drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown, and very lightly drybrushed with Rucksack Tan. The metal pipes were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. The ones with some brick were painted with Skorne Red and drybrushed with Khador Red Base. The entire model was then washed with GW Agrax Earthshade and the outer base painted with Mouldy Ochre.

Friday, January 27, 2017


The Abominations are a crafty bunch of cheap models. Commonly they are created by the Desolation Engine, Rusty Alice, Leviticus, or Abomination models eliminating other models. They can also form a Desolation Engine if four of them are next to one another.
Primed the models white and gave them a black wash to bring out the detail. Painted the flesh parts Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with 50/50 Midlund Flesh and Wurm Green, lightly drybrushed with 50/50 mix of Ryn Flesh and Wurm Green. Then applied a wash of Thraka Green wash.
The metal parts were painted with Pic Iron with highlights of Quicksilver. The wires on some models were painted with Cygnar Yellow, Cygnar Blue Highlight, Khador Red Base, and/or Khador Red Highlight. The tongues were painted with Khador Red Base. The models then had GW Blood For The Blood God applied where needed.

The base is made from Basius 2 Steampunk plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, drybrushed with Umbral Umber, lightly drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown, and very lightly drybrushed with Rucksack Tan. The metal pipes were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. The ones with some brick were painted with Skorne Red and drybrushed with Khador Red Base. The entire model was then washed with GW Agrax Earthshade and the outer base painted with Mouldy Ochre.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Scion of the Void

The Scion of the Void works well with Tara's Crew. It can damage well but benifits assisting other models that can bury the enemies models. It can also get buried itself when targeted but is eliminated at the end of any turn it is buried.

 I started with priming it black then washing it with GW Nulub Oil. The flesh was painted with Exile Blue, heavily drybrushed Trollblood Blue, drybrushed Underbelly Blue, and lightly drybrushed Frostbite.

The robes were painted with Thamar Black and drybrushed Coal Black. The eyes were painted Skorne Red and a little dab of Khador Red Base was applied. The book was painted Umbral Umber and drybrushed Bloodstone. Then some Solid Gold scribbling was applied and Menoth White Highlight used on the pages. Quicksilver was used on the metal parts.
The base was made with the Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, then heavily drybrushed with Umbral Umber, drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown, lightly drybrushed with Rucksack Tan, and finally lightly drybrushed with 50/50 Rucksack Tan and Menoth White Highlight. The entire model was then washed with Agrax Earthshade.

As a note Basius, and the company Wargames Bakery, has moved to History Craft.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Wooden Crates

Painted up some crates that I've had for a few years. They are made of dental cement from HirstArts Fantasy Molds. The painting was done with several coats of black primer. Then used darker to lighter browns from the dollar store.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Train Halt

This is a pre-colored terrain set made by Plasticraft called the Train Halt. I purchased it in a 50% off sale at a local gamestore that is closing, Curious Comics Gamecentral.
It came together easily but did need elastic bands to hold the main structure together while the glue was drying. I like the size of the building as well. Not too small nor large. Below is how it looked on the box and the pieces in the box before assembly.

Here are some more pics of the buildings with models to scale.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

End of 2016 and Beginning of 2017

This year was a great year for playing games and painting miniatures. As I won't be traveling for work this upcoming year, it should also be a productive and fun year to come.

Played thirty-four sessions of role-playing games. Most of the (26 sessions) was for a friend's 5e D&D game set in a late Roman-like time period set on Vancouver Island. I'm still playing a wizard, who harbors dark thoughts yet is courteous, who is part of a group to depose the evil emperor by finding the remnants of a sword rumored to be able to kill him. What was found by her and the party was something else...imprisoned gods from a forgotten empire! The basic rules are still free to download from the Wizards of the Coast website too. I plan to continue this campaign for the foreseeable future.

The next most was the Fantasy Flight Star Wars: Edge of Empire setting (6 sessions). I play a Negotiator who was sold into slavery to protect her corporate boss' position. The character has raw talent but is a quick learner, and has already taken the Marshall as an extra career. Now I'm planning his comeuppance while doing jobs for other persons and groups.

I also played one session of  Savage Worlds - Rifts and Trail of Cthulhu (GUMSHOE Ruleset).

I played a whopping 139 board and card games this year, thanks to having my spouse conducting activities with friends the odd afternoon and weekend.

Games I played the most were Biblios, Codenames, Cribbage, Dominion, Grizzled, No Thanks!, Pandemic, and Pandemic: Legacy, Splendor.

Games I did not play much but were very impressed by and/or wish to play more (not exluding the above games) were: 1775: Rebellion, Codenames, Labyrinth: The War on Terror 2001-? (GMT), Mykerinos, Mysterium, Patchwork, Star Wars: Rebellion, Twilight Struggle, Wilderness War.

I also wish to play the games I own but have not played yet, which are a good handful.

Computer Games
I played very few computer games this year and anticipate that trend will continue. The only ones I played were Angry Birds: Star Wars and Dominion.

This year I played 58 miniature games.

Guildball was the most played game by myself, with half of the games played being demonstration games. For full games I used my Masons and Fishermen teams. I hope to find time to play more games next year. Even better, the rules, cards and standees are still free to download. Also painted eight of these models this year and two balls. Will continue to paint the season 2 Masons and Fishermen as well as season one and two Union models and perhaps Alchemists.

Malifaux was the second most game I played. Wrath and Tara were played the most with Angel Eyes and Victoria of Ashes being next. I expect and wish to play more in 2017. I have painted 68 of these models and redid one. I will be continuing to paint more models of the Outcast faction.

Besides these games, I played one or two games each of the following: Battletech: Alpha Strike, Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, and Warmachine (Mercenaries). I painted a second starter box of the original battleforce for Prussia Land and Naval. I am looking forward to playing more Dystopian Wars and Firestorm Armada as well as Firestorm: Planetstrike.

One final game that I played once in December was Kings of War. I was very impressed by the rules and flavor of the armies rules. It has that kind of elegant simplicity that has convinced me to keep several of my Warhammer Fantasy armies (I was going to sell a bunch in 2017). The rules are free to download and the army lists are available at several websites. Mantic also makes their own models but not every selection in the army list is available from them but they encourage scratchbuilding. They have also recently made a historical armylist book that may enable myself to make armies for Peloponnesian War conflicts a reality.  As my Ratling (Skaven) models are mostly painted, I intent to play with them this year and work on my Armies of Men (Empire and Brettonian) to assemble and prime. Speedpainting will be used as I still wish to focus on my other game models.

I finished several terrain pieces and intend to paint many more in 2017.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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