Sunday, July 28, 2019

Morticians - Vileswarm

Another mascot with the Morticians for the Guildball game is Vileswarm. Its on a 30mm base.

Primed black. Fur painted Greycoat Grey, drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, lightly drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, very lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base.
Skulls painted Menoth White Highlight. Tails painted Carnal Pink. Eyes painted Khador Red Base.
To make the textured base I used the Sanctuary Basius 2 plate, painted it dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Greycoat Grey.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Morticians - Scalpel

A captain with the Morticians for the Guildball game is Scalpel. Its on a 30mm base. Great movement, damage, and can move other models

Primed black. Clothing painted Greycoat Grey, drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, lightly drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, very lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Leathers painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Iridian Flesh, lightly drybrushed Gun Corps Brown. Skin painted Idirian Flesh, drybrushed  Khardic Flesh, lightly drybrushed mix Midlund Flesh/Menoth White Highlight.
Arm cover and mask painted Beast Hide, drybrushed Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight, lightly drybrushed Menoth White Highlight. Metals painted Pig Iron and/or Cold Steel and/or Quicksilver. Hair painted Thamar Black, drybrushed Coal Black, and lightly drybrushed mix Coal Black/Menoth White Highlight.
To make the textured base I used  the Sanctuary Basius 2 plate, painted it dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Greycoat Grey.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Morticians - Ball

By Broken Toad, is the Morticians ball done in one piece resin. I lost the sheet of paper that I had written the paints on, alas.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Morticians - Cosette

Another player with the Morticians for the Guildball game is Cosette. Its on a 30mm base. Can charge for free, dodge away if damaged someone, and adds a TAC and damage point if Dirge is engaged with the same model.

Primed black. Clothing painted Greycoat Grey, drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, lightly drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, very lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Leathers painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Iridian Flesh, lightly drybrushed Gun Corps Brown. Skin painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed mix Midlund Flesh/Menoth White Highlight, lightly drybrushed mix Ryn Flesh/Menoth White Highlight.
Ribbons painted Beast Hide, drybrushed Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight, lightly drybrushed Menoth White Highlight. Skulls painted Menoth White Highlight. Metals painted Pig Iron and/or Cold Steel and/or Quicksilver. Hair painted Thamar Black, drybrushed Coal Black, and lightly drybrushed mix Coal Black/Menoth White Highlight.
To make the textured base I used  the Sanctuary Basius 2 plate, painted it dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Greycoat Grey.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Morticians - Silence

Another player with the Morticians for the Guildball game is Silence. Its on a 30mm base. Can force a player to go first, go last, can throw fire bombs, and other shenanigans.

Primed black. Clothing painted Greycoat Grey, drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, lightly drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, very lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Leathers painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Iridian Flesh, lightly drybrushed Gun Corps Brown. Skin painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed mix Midlund Flesh/Menoth White Highlight, lightly drybrushed mix Ryn Flesh/Menoth White Highlight.
Jerkin painted Beast Hide, drybrushed Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight, lightly drybrushed Menoth White Highlight. Skulls painted Menoth White Highlight. Metals painted Pig Iron and/or Cold Steel and/or Quicksilver. Bag painted Iosian Green, drybrushed Necrotite Green.
To make the textured base I used  the Sanctuary Basius 2 plate, painted it dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Greycoat Grey.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Morticians - Graves

Another player with the Morticians for the Guildball game is Graves. Its on a 30mm base. Can tool up himself or others for more damage, causes bleed if damages, has anatomical persision, and has a 2" damage everyone aura on a strong attack result.

Primed black. Clothing painted Greycoat Grey, drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, lightly drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, very lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Leathers painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Iridian Flesh, lightly drybrushed Gun Corps Brown.
Skin painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed mix Midlund Flesh/Menoth White Highlight, lightly drybrushed mix Ryn Flesh/Menoth White Highlight. Vest and gators painted Beast Hide, drybrushed Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight, lightly drybrushed Menoth White Highlight. Skulls painted Menoth White Highlight. Metals painted Pig Iron and/or Cold Steel and/or Quicksilver. Hair painted Thamar Black, drybrushed Coal Black, and lightly drybrushed mix Coal Black/Menoth White Highlight.
To make the textured base I used  the Sanctuary Basius 2 plate, painted it dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Grey Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Greycoat Grey.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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