Friday, June 19, 2020


This pyramid is actually a Ferrero Rocher container. I sprayed it with sandy spackle that I had lying around. No other adornments are required and was made with things I had lying around. Some Wizkids Mechwarrior figs next to it for scale.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Malifaux Rats

Twelve Malifaux Rats from the Brotherhood of the Rat story encounter box and now available as eight in the regular 3E Brotherhood of the Rat box (there are four in the 3E Hamelin crew box)
 All were primed black. Four different paint jobs for the rats. They grey ones painted Greatcoat Grey, drybrushed Ironhull Grey, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. The dark Brown ones painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Bloodtracker Brown, and lightly drybrushed Beast Hide. Medium Brown ones painted Bloodtracker Brown, drybrushed Bloodstone, and lightly drybrushed Bootstrap Leather. Light brown ones painted Beast Hide, drybrushed Rucksack Tan, and lightly drybrushed mix Rucksack Tan and Menoth White Highlight.
Tails painted Squid Pink and drybrushed Carnal Pink. Eyes painted Khador Red Base. Teeth and claws painted Menoth White Highlight. Bases made, for the first time, Milliput Terracotta, all but one pressed with Basius's Sanctuary plate, painted dollarstore black, drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, and lightly drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight. Whole model washed with AGrax Earthshade. Outer Edge painted Mouldy Ocre.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Emperor Palapatine Statue

Everybody likes a statue and the Emperor of the Empire is no exception. Came from somewhere at a yard sale and kept it for years with no purpose in mind. Now that I'm painting models for Star Wars Legion, I have a purpose for it. Painted with dollarstore paints.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Downed AT-ST

For Star Wars Legion, the Downed AT-ST expansion. I used a variety of dollar store paints. I also used some Vallejo rust washes and mats for the first time to great effect (they have a lot of different rust paints). I recommend to people that they should paint the bits before gluing as it was a tight fit to get the brush in the nooks and crannies.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Imperial AT-ST

For the Star Wars Legion game is the AT-ST. I do not know what it was painted with before I traded for it but finished it off with various paints dollarstore paints. That's the last of the Imperial units that I have...for now.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

74-Z Speeder Bikes

I got to the Empire's 74-Z Speeder Bikes that I had languishing for the Star Wars Legion game. Four were from the starter boxes and two from a box.
 For the firing arcs I used red for the leaders and white from droogs. Also chose a different basing for each pair to tell them apart.

Friday, June 12, 2020

More Modular Weapons Platforms

These Modular Weapons Platforms for Dystopian Wars are additions to the two I made in 2014 that have been sitting around. A Britannia MK II medium tank is included for scale. This brings me to a total of six. Can also be used for Horizon Wars as interesting terrain. This finishes the official Dystopian Wars scenery that I had around. Now onto other gaming systems for a bit before working on the Covenant of Antarctica models.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Another Military Island Base

Way back in 2014 I finished one of these but received another one is a two player set. I have now finished the second one and like my paint scheme for it better than the first one. This can be used for sea or air, and can also be used for Horizon Wars games. There is a Britannia cruiser beside it for scale.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


These mines are for Dystopian Wars, primarily, but can be used for any of my miniature games for sea, land, or sky. There is an indent to put a die in to indicate their strength. There is a Britannia cruiser among them for scale.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Oil Rig

This Dystopian Wars oil rig was made for the "Battle for Iceland" set and I have finally finished it. Beside it is a Britannia cruiser for scale. It will make for a great naval or land terrain piece. It can also be used with my Horizon Wars games.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Prussian Empire - All my Models

Here is the entirety of my Prussian Forces: Land, Sea, and Air. Its just over 9000 points worth and average games use 1500, so lots of options. The only thing I would do differently is to paint them at the same time, as there are differences in paint colour used and techniques. Of course I did take 7 years to paint everything with models purchased over 4 years.

The paint scheme has been refined to the following: prime black, heavily drybrush mix of 2/3 Cold Steel and 1/3 Frostbite, wood floorboards Rucksack Tan, Cold Steel on weapons and dodads, Molten Bronze on details, and Arcane Blue on windows, wash of Nuln Oil.

These models can also be used for my Horizon Wars miniature game.

Now that I have the bad guys painted, its time to work on the neutral forces: Covenant of Antarctica! That was the Spartan Games name though as under Warcradle they are known as the Covenant of the Enlightened. I am thinking green colours and washes. That should take a lot less time and be more coherent paint job, as I have not painted any of them yet.
 I have the most with the naval forces, just over 4000 points.

 Land forces I have almost 3500 points.
 For my air forces there are just under 1500 points.

 I also have a bunch of infantry, 640 points worth that were painted specifically to be used with any factions.
The only Prussian models that I have which have not been painted are 30 airplanes, which I do not need at this time. If all my plane carriers were on the table I would need 40. Of course if I also had my two neutral landing fields out I would need another 18 planes. Also depending on the size of the game I would need between 1 and 4 free wings. There is also the neutral light carriers that can hold planes...I think I have convinced myself to paint these 20 planes eventually.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Prussia - Remaining Sea Units

These are my remaining thirty-five Prussian Empire sea units for the Spartan Games Dystopian Wars (now owned by Warcradle Studios) that I painted up.
 Two Havel light carriers.
 One Eibe Carrier.
 The Command part comes off to show the airplane lift.
 The whole landing deck comes off to show the weapons and defenses underneath.
 Kaiser Karl Heavy Battleship. The Tesla coil is optional instead of a turret.
 Six Donnerfaust Support Cruisers, done in two separate detail schemes so they can be in two distinguishable units.
 Three Uhlan Cruisers
One Sturmbringer Submarine, surfaced and submerged.
One Konigsburg Battle Cruiser.
Six more Wachter Escorts.
 Four Stoltz Destroyers.
 Five Saxony Corvettes.
 Four more Armenius Frigates.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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