I bought this kit a while ago and painted these IMEX Southwestern Alamo accessories. They were painted with cheap paints with some Privateer Press paints for highlights. At 1/72 scale, some items are smaller than than they should for tabletop miniatures but good enough to get a setting across. These kits are also quite inexpensive, especially as it comes with much more than pictured here, as seen on Plastic Soldier Review.
Tabletop miniatures, role-playing games, boardgames, military history and gaming in Victoria B.C. Canada
Sunday, May 29, 2022
IMEX - Southwestern Alamo Accessories
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Fuel Tank
This fuel tank was found in the discount bin of a games store during my travels a few years ago. Painted it up with cheap paints and a bit of Valejo mecha rust on the pipes and metal access hatches on the roof. Good for any 6-40mm scale minis.
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Modern/Sci-fi Obstructions
Found these in the discount area of a game store. These modern or sci-fi obstructions were painted with dollar store paints and a bit of Mecha rust from Vallejo.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Barricades and Gates from Plastic Shelving
Made from spare bits for plastic shelving that I didn't need, come these gates and barricades/walls. They were primed black and painted with various cheap greys. They would be good for all scales but especially for 25-35mm.
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Bot War - First Game
I played my first game of Bot War on Thursday at Everything Games. It was a 60 point game with three of my Beastlords (Brontous, Arkynor, and Parasolar) vs original starter box Valiants (General Duke, Aegis, Wolf, Angel, and Topstar). The scenario was "protect the cargo" and the Valants won the roll, with my honoured opponent choosing General Duke to carry it to my side of the table.
It was a fun game. Mistakes I made were not using my model's special abilities sooner so I could engage in melee quicker. Also having Brontous leave cover meant he was shot up sooner and couldn't use his earthquake ability more to take out the Valiants smaller models.
Next game I should have some tokens made for interactable scenery so they can be used as one shot shields, clubs, and such. I also need to make damage tokens. Making a card sized paper guide to each model's special rules will also come in handy. Looking forward to my next game in three weeks.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Marvel Multiverse RPG - Playtest Rules
I picked up the Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying Game playtest rulebook, as I like to keep an eye out for good superhero roleplaying games. This prelude has basic rules including d616 dice rolling system, actions, combat, making heroes, and a very short adventure. The full rulebook will be coming out in 2023.
The d616 is based on the fact that in the Marvel comics, Earth 616 is the regular Marvel comics universe. To make an ability check you roll three d6, one of which is a different colour than the other two (considered the Marvel die). The result of this die roll is the numbers on all three dice added to your total action modifier for the statistic you are using. A 1 on the Marvel die counts as a 6. If the result matches or beats the target number you succeed.
However, if you succeeded and the Marvel rolls a 1 and the other two are not 1's, you have made a fantastic result which is a "yes" success and something else beneficial, like an edge. If all three are 1's then it is a botched roll, which is a "no" and something bad happens. If the Marvel die is a 1 and the other two are 6's, then it is an ultimate fantastic result is achieved, which ignores any trouble. An edge means that you can reroll a die. Trouble means that the Narrator choses a die for you to reroll.
Edges and troubles can be given before the dice are rolled depending on your advantages and disadvantages at the moment. The greater of one of them cancels the others until you have a net number of edges or troubles.
For archetype I choose polymath and choose resistance and vigilance cap to be increased to six. Origin is weird science, which gives me the weird trait (edge for ego checks for those that like me and trouble for those that do not, perhaps because of the process of retrometobolization). Profession is solder which gives me the traits battle ready, connections: military, and situational awareness. I then decided that he was a low level SHIELD agent which is why he was captured by HYDRA and transformed to be their sleeper agent. For additional traits I choose Fearless, because it was reduced due to the transformation, and combat expert, which gives an edge when in combat with rank 5 or less enemies.
At rank 5 I get five powers from up to two trees. From the Cybernetics tree I choose armour 1 and reinforced skeleton, which gives him overall damage reduction and additional damage reduction vs bashing. For utility powers I choose environmental protection, healing factor, and sturdy. These all give the basics for being really tough in battle, in particular hand to hand. I can see him diving in frount of teammates and taking hits so they can do what they do best.
For stats I get 18 points, which I allocate as follows: Might:2 Agility:2 Resistance:6 Vigilence:4 Ego:2 Logic:2.
Once he goes up in ranks, he can pick up more armour, increase resilience with traits, martial artist powers, and pick up some firearms powers to take the fight to the enemy better.
I am looking forward to the full rulebook and maybe playing some games.
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Hamelin can be found in his core box. He gives and manipulates blight tokens for a plethora of effects. He can also lure and control rats.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
In the Hamelin core box is Nix. A henchman, Nix gives blight tokens to those that start activating nearby, is incorporeal, reduces severity of damage to those friendly models nearby, and utilizes and manipulates blight tokens.
Primed black. Skin painted Traitor Green, drybrush Thrall Flesh and lightly drybrushed mix of Thrall Flesh and Menoth White Highlight. Exposed and worn parts painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh,a dn lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. Collar painted Pig Iron and drybrushed Cold Steel. Menoth White Highlight was lightly drybrushed on the exposed bone. Khador Red Base applied to the edges of the exposed flesh and mouth. Thamar Black applied around the eyes with Menoth White Highlight used for the haunted and glowing eyes. Ordic Olive used on the exposed spikey bits arounf the haunches. Rat painted with various greys and Carnal Pink.
Friday, May 6, 2022
The Stolen
The Stolen are totems for Hamelin in his core box. They are harder to attack accurately and cannot target it when more than six inches away, give blight tokens to enemy models that start their activation nearby, summon a rat when killed, can damage by vomit those nearby and is more accurate if they have enough blight tokens, and can make models fast and is more effective with rats. A great totem for Hamelin to have.
Sunday, May 1, 2022
This War of Mine
End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025
The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...
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