Friday, January 30, 2015

Grundback Gunners

The Grundback Gunner can boost all attack and damage rolls for the spray for one focus. Think on that for a moment. All. That means hitting high defence models consistantly and also doing excellent damage. Auto include in a Rhulic force I can confidently say.
I started with a spray primer of Krylon black then a rough drybrush of Hammerfall Khaki. Then a drybrush of Gun Corps Brown on the shaded areas and a drybrush of 50/50 Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight on the raised sunny side of the model. Then it was Cold Steel to the metal parts.
Molten Bronze was applied to some metal parts and those were drybrushed with Rhulic Gold. The red accent area was painted with Skorne Red then drybrushed with Khador Red and finally lightly drybrushed with Khador Red Highlight. The whole model was washed with Army Painter Dark Tone. The base and arc was painted with Bootstrap Leather, graveled and flocked with GW stuff with Army Painter Wasteland Tuft. I then drew Rhulic glyphs on their sides with a paint pen.
I only glued one gun on as I want to change up how many Gunners and Blasters I may want for a list.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Malifaux 2E - 2015/2016 Wave and Avatars

Malifaux is currently undergoing playtesting for its third or 2015/2016 wave. You can download the cards here. The forums for discussing and suggesting changes are here.

I like how many tabletop games are having betas for rule versions and additions. Warmachine/Hordes had an open beta for the MK2 that lasted for half a year. Infinity had a closed beta for their third edition of the rules that lasted two years. Malifaux itself had an open beta for the rules and the previous two waves. Its a great way of doing business as it keeps the community engaged and invested in the future of the games they play.

The Avatars are also going through a huge change, with the forum thread here. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Masters channel energy rather than change shape now;

2. Will be only available during campaign play but players can agree to use them during normal play;

3. The option to introduce non-campaign avatars is an option for the future, but no plans currently to do so;

4. Making new plastic avatar sculpts for all masters will not be done. Instead, a different 50mm insert base for each faction will be made and the master model will be placed on the insert avatar base to represent the change;

5. Emissaries of Fate will be introduced for each faction. These are evolved effigy models on 50mm bases. If you have an old avatar sculpt, they are tournament legal to use them as these emissaries. The Arcanist Emissary is pictured above;

6. These emissaries will also have zero cost upgrades specific to each master in its faction. These upgrades flavour it for each master it is playing with. With this in place, the old avatar model sculpt look and feel mimic what this new idea is portraying and can be used for this purpose.

The reason they explain for this change is that the rules for avatars have to be balanced so that it is not an auto include in games. The process for becoming an avatar can well lose you the game because you are not going for victory points. Since they will be balanced and not something the consumer will automatically buy, the potential new avatar sculpts may just sit on the shelves of merchants. The cost of making them are also large to the company and the consumer. As quoted from the company rep on the boards: "We firmly believe that our customers will be happier (and spend more money, let's be honest, this isn't charity) when we design fun things they *want* to buy, rather than expensive things which they are *required* to buy."

I am satisfied by the changes to Avatars. I have only assembled and painted my Lilith avatar but I still have ones in the box waiting for when I make their master: Perdita, Lady Justice, Sonnia Crid, Hoffman, Pandora, Candy, McMourning and the Viktorias. I was even thinking of making a Lucius avatar from the new plastic Lucius and the two lawyers. I like how I can use them as Emissaries, so that I don't have to buy those models for the factions I have avatars for. Taking avatars out of tournament play is also good as it would take away from the game with a stranger. I'll still make the avatars models I have and pick up the emissary of fate and avatar bases of factions I don't have when playing them.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Grundback Blasters

 The Gundback Gunner is a small Rhulic jack that can pack a punch. They have two things going for them; they are cheap in points and they can boost to hit and damage for one focus. Do not be thinking they can take down heavy jacks though as three of them could do some damage for the same cost but thier role is more for light jacks and multi-wound models.
 I started with a spray primer of Krylon black then a rough drybrush of Hammerfall Khaki. Then a drybrush of Gun Corps Brown on the shaded areas and a drybrush of 50/50 Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight on the raised sunny side of the model. Then it was Cold Steel to the metal parts.
Molten Bronze was applied to some metal parts and those were drybrushed with Rhulic Gold. The red accent area was painted with Skorne Red then drybrushed with Khador Red and finally lightly drybrushed with Khador Red Highlight. The whole model was washed with Army Painter Dark Tone. The base and arc was painted with Bootstrap Leather, graveled and flocked with GW stuff with Army Painter Wasteland Tuft. I then drew Rhulic glyphs on their sides with a paint pen.
I only glued one gun on as I want to order two extra Gunner guns so I can switch them out if necessary for a list. Now onto more Rhulic!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rhulic Warcaster - Gorten Grundback

To begin my "Year of the Rhul" in Warmachine, I've chosen Gorten Grundback. He's a solid spellcaster with a useful feat and good spell list.
I started with a spray primer of Krylon black then a rough drybrush of Hammerfall Khaki. Then a drybrush of Gun Corps Brown on the shaded areas and a drybrush of 50/50 Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight on the raised sunny side of the model. Then it was Cold Steel to the metal parts. The face was done with Dark Flesh then a drybrush of Midlund Flesh and a light drybrush of Ryn Flesh.
Molten Bronze was applied to some metal parts and those were drybrushed with Rhulic Gold. The red accent areas were painted with Skorne Red then drybrushed with Khador Red and finally lightly drybrushed with Khador Red Highlight. The leather parts were painted with Bootstrap Leather and drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown and lightly drybrushed with Rucksack Tan. The goggles were painted with Arcane Blue. The whole model was washed with Army Painter Dark Tone. The base and arc was painted with Bootstrap Leather, graveled and flocked with GW stuff with Army Painter Wasteland Tuft.
Along with the Forge Guard i finished two and a bit years ago I have the start of a Mercenary Rhulic Searforge, Highborn Covenant or Four Star Syndicate force. I plan on playing this caster a few times as a Highborn Covenant caster, so I can use the Alexia's I finished late last year, then play at least twenty games with him as a Searforge caster.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Infinity 3E - Core or Background Book

I've been a fan and player of Infinity for the last three years, with large gaps as the player base is not large in Victoria. The rules were so much superior to Warhammer 40k and other 28-32mm scale sci-fi games i've played or seen. I was happy to continue painting my Combined Army and Haqqislam forces and play the occasional game. Then I saw the Beasts of War videos for the new 3rd edition of Infinity that I posted about here. Once i got the new starter box, I hungrily awaited the full rulebook which I picked up just before the Winter Holidays.

Hooray for good editing! Previous editions were visually gorgeous but plagued with spelling and grammar mistakes that detracted from the product. No longer. I've only read the core or background book cover to cover and was super impressed. The slipcase comes with two books in a slipcase: a background book and a rulebook.

The number of grammar or spelling mistakes was down to a handful. The art and history of the world of Infinity was expertly laid out including a snapshot of the different types of troops in each faction.

Now onto the rules!

Friday, January 9, 2015

2015 Gaming Resolutions

I was very successful in my painting schedule last year. This was because I set a reasonable and measurable goal and aided in no small part to painting at work during my lunch break. I'm planning another year of painting and have the following in the year 2015:

Privateer Press/Warmachine/Rhulic: I was able to assemble, prime and get the first of four steps done on all my Rhulic forces. I'm now concentrating on Gorten Gundback and some jacks to get playing. I'll finish the rest as the year progresses.

Malifaux/Guild: I want to purchase the plastic "Bound by Law" kit to make Lucius's totem as well as more models so I can field him more effectively. I also want to paint a few other Guild models like Perdita's avatar, the constructs, Pale Rider, Pathfinder and the Governor's Proxy.

Malifaux/Neverborn: Candy, Mr Tannen, Mr Graves and the Beckoners are all Mimics and add to Lucuis options as he is a mimic as well.

Malifaux/Mercenaries: I want to be able to complete the models that can be used as Mercenaries so I can use them with other gangs and factions. Its not required now but will pay off dividends for the future.

Infinity/Operation Icestorm Starter box: I'll assemble and paint the Pan Oceana and Nomad forces in the starter that I purchased last year.

Infinity/Haqquislam: I have a 400 point army assembled (expanded from the 300 point suggested list) and primed so I want to get these guys finished so I can expand on this faction and my Combined Army.

Spartan Games/Planetfall: This will be the Aquan forces that I got from the double starter a friend and I got.

Guildball: The kickstarter that I participated in should be in early this year and I will get the Masons and Brewers teams going this year.

Terrain: The only terrain I did last year was for Dystopian Wars. Now that I have Deadzone and Maki Container kickstarter terrain as well as lots of others that are collecting dust I need to get off my butt and make it.

I also want to set a goal of playing all the board games and role playing games I have purchased but not played yet. This is a little more problematic but achievable. There are Mouse Guard, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Durance, Apocalypse World, Diaspora, Dread and The Shab-al-Hiri Roach for RPGs. For Board Games there are leHavre, Caylus, Brass, Throgh the Ages, A Few Acres of Snow, Combat Commander: Europe and I have not finished a game of Twilight Struggle nor Paths of Glory yet and wish to.

I will of course be posting about the above as I complete/play them.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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