Friday, January 9, 2015

2015 Gaming Resolutions

I was very successful in my painting schedule last year. This was because I set a reasonable and measurable goal and aided in no small part to painting at work during my lunch break. I'm planning another year of painting and have the following in the year 2015:

Privateer Press/Warmachine/Rhulic: I was able to assemble, prime and get the first of four steps done on all my Rhulic forces. I'm now concentrating on Gorten Gundback and some jacks to get playing. I'll finish the rest as the year progresses.

Malifaux/Guild: I want to purchase the plastic "Bound by Law" kit to make Lucius's totem as well as more models so I can field him more effectively. I also want to paint a few other Guild models like Perdita's avatar, the constructs, Pale Rider, Pathfinder and the Governor's Proxy.

Malifaux/Neverborn: Candy, Mr Tannen, Mr Graves and the Beckoners are all Mimics and add to Lucuis options as he is a mimic as well.

Malifaux/Mercenaries: I want to be able to complete the models that can be used as Mercenaries so I can use them with other gangs and factions. Its not required now but will pay off dividends for the future.

Infinity/Operation Icestorm Starter box: I'll assemble and paint the Pan Oceana and Nomad forces in the starter that I purchased last year.

Infinity/Haqquislam: I have a 400 point army assembled (expanded from the 300 point suggested list) and primed so I want to get these guys finished so I can expand on this faction and my Combined Army.

Spartan Games/Planetfall: This will be the Aquan forces that I got from the double starter a friend and I got.

Guildball: The kickstarter that I participated in should be in early this year and I will get the Masons and Brewers teams going this year.

Terrain: The only terrain I did last year was for Dystopian Wars. Now that I have Deadzone and Maki Container kickstarter terrain as well as lots of others that are collecting dust I need to get off my butt and make it.

I also want to set a goal of playing all the board games and role playing games I have purchased but not played yet. This is a little more problematic but achievable. There are Mouse Guard, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Durance, Apocalypse World, Diaspora, Dread and The Shab-al-Hiri Roach for RPGs. For Board Games there are leHavre, Caylus, Brass, Throgh the Ages, A Few Acres of Snow, Combat Commander: Europe and I have not finished a game of Twilight Struggle nor Paths of Glory yet and wish to.

I will of course be posting about the above as I complete/play them.

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