The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of role playing and miniature games played, but time will tell.
For roleplaying my group finished the Pendragon starter box adventure in six sessions (two last year and four this one). My review of Pendragon is here for those who are interested (Hint: We really liked it and will be carrying on with another adventure). Twilight: 2000 first came out in 1984 and players are allied soldiers alive in Eastern Europe after WW3 and a limited nuclear exchange. They have to survive and get back to friendly lines. The original game seemed like it would be good , but as teenagers it just became fantasy with us controlling tanks and attack choppers blowing up stuff. The new version, by Free League Publishing, is set in 1998 and is much grittier and realistic. After five sessions, my character is recovering in a prison taken over by a cult leader as the other two players are trying not to get killed by a turncoat that knows and hates one of them. Intense!
For boardgames, a mighty eighty-seven were played. Games I most liked this year are marked by an asterisk (*). In order from most to least played are:
9: *Marvel Champions (3 Player)
7: *Heat
6: *7 Wonders Duel, Death My Die, No Thanks!
4: *Arcs, Biblios
3: Crib, *Terraforming Mars
2: *7 Wonders Duel: Middle Earth, 200, *Apiary, Daybreak, Five Crowns, Kollide, Pandemic: Hotzone NA, Play 9, Settlers of Catan, Undaunted: Normandy, Vendetta, Watergate
1: 7 Wonders, Andromeda's Edge, Campaign Trail, Carcassonne, Command and Colors: Napoleon, Freedom, Greece Lightning, King of Monster Island, Lord of the Rings Customizable Card Game, Lost Cities, *Mega Empires (Western Empires), *Mind MGMT, Splendor, Ticket to Ride: NY, Victory in the Pacific.
For solo boardgames, I just played two games of Campaign Trail.
For computer games, I just played one with a group, Terraforming Mars, and solo I played six games of Terraforming Mars.
For miniature games, I played thirty-one. The Batman Miniature Game was most played with ten games (see here for the year in review), seven of Battletech: Alpha Strike (year in review here), seven Marvel Crisis Protocol (year in review here), six Malifaux (year in review here), and one game of non-violent Gaslands (performance cars with one lap around a track).
I also read a lot of Battletech books this year, thanks to a Humble Bundle I participated in in 2023. It is interesting how many bore books you can read when flossing, brushing, and being out and about. I have been reading them in chronological order and they were: *Warrior Trilogy, Wolves on the Border, Heir to the Dragon; *Blood of Kerensky Trilogy; Legend of the Jade Phoenix-Way of the Clans.
For miniatures painted this year it was horrible. Only four Malifaux and two Batman Miniature Game figures. I have high ambitions this year:
-Batman Miniature Game: The Batman Starter Box, all the Law Forces police, more Law Forces models, Organized Crime faction
-Battletech: Draconis Combine, Patchwork Guild Regulars, Generic Faction Vehicles and Fighters.
-Guildball: Two Union, Masons/Butchers/Fishermen remaining models,
-Malifaux: Remaining Versatile models, Zipp crew, Ressurectionist versatile, Dr McMourning
-Marvel Crisis Protocol: Finish Spider Foes and Agents of SHIELD.
-Terrain: As much as I can!
Have a great 2025!
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