Friday, December 23, 2016

Von Schill Avatar

This is my Von Schill avatar, for Shifting Loyalties campaigns. I prefer this sculpt on the 50mm avatar base because of his extended limbs. It is from the 2e Hired Guns crew box.
Painted the same as the Freikorpsmann and my regular 1e Von Schill. Only addition is the pile of gold at his feet. That was painted with Rhulic Gold, drybrushed with Shining Gold. Then after the wash it was again drybrushed with Shining Gold. In hindsight I should have gotten the pile bigger.

Von Schill

Von Schill is a melee and ranged combat hero that can buff up nearby models. He can also leap away from engagements with no problem. This is the 1e metal version as I have plans for the 2e plastic one. Plus this version is much easier to transport.
Painted and based the same as the Freikorpsmann. The sash is painted Skorne Red with Khador Red Base drybrush. The hair is Thamar Black with Cryx Bane Base drybrush and Cryx Bane Highlight as light drybrush. My spouse thinks he looks very Klingon-like. Not that far off with how he plays except more crafty.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Steam Trunk

The Steam Trunk is the totem for Von Schill, the leader of the Freikorps. It is a buffing model that helps other models but has little to help itself, so protect it well. It is in the Hired Guns crew box.
 Painted the same as the Freikorpsmann with the addition of Molten Bronze trim and various browns for the trunk itself.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Hannah is a Freikorps librarian extraordinaire. In fact as the head librarian, she can for a zero action copy a nearby models ca ability. Also has decent melee and denial abilities. Also as a henchman, she can lead crews. In addition, as a mercenary, the model is handy for other faction crews that have lots of casting abilities that you would like duplicated.
 Painted and based the same as the Freikorpsmann. Hair was painted Thamar Black with Coal Black drybrush. The Nether Flux, where the head of the suit is, was painted with Murdurous Magenta, drybrushed with Carnel Pink, and spotted with Menoth White Highlight. Molten Bronze was used on the nuts and bolts. Tome was painted with various browns. Bookmark is Skorne Red with Khador Red Base drybrush.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Freikorps Librarian

The Freikorps Librarian is a good healer that has a useful toolbox to take care of defenders that are incorporeal or who have defensive triggers. The 1e metal one is on the left and both were obtained in the respective editions Hired Guns sets.
They were painted and based the same way as my Freikorpsmann. The sash was painted Skorne Red with Khador Red Base drybrushed on.The book was painted with various browns and the pages Menoth White Highlight.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Freikorps Trapper

The Freikorps Trapper is an excellent ranged mode, that is cheap and is a mercenary. It can be found in the Hired Guns crew box. I also got one in the 1e Von Schill box.
 I used the same paint scheme as my Freikorpsmann.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Freikorps Specialist

The Freikorps Specialist has a flamethrower that can force horror duels or get rid of scheme markers. Good in a knife fight too. Comes in the Hired Guns crew box. Plus they are mercenary so anyone can hire them.
 I painted them the same as my Freikorpsmann. I have two of them because I also got the 1e metal box set as well.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Freikorps Strongarm

The Freikorps Strongarm is a nasty and fast melee and ranged model. It also is a mercenary, so can be hired by non-outcast crews for one extra soulstone.
 It is painted and based the same as my Freikorpsmen. Only addition was the Molteen Bronze parts, and the Skorne Red and Necrotite Green wires.

Sunday, December 11, 2016


I finished the six Freikorpsmann (Friekorpsmen?) that I have. They are from the old 1e metal and 2e plastic crew boxes, plus a 1e metal blister. They can also be gotten in the 2e standalone Friekorpsmann pack of two. They are mercenaries, so can be hired by any faction. They are good at long and close range plus immune to pulses and blasts and has armor, so they are quite durable.

All the models were primed black. The cloth part of the suit was painted Coal Black, drybrushed Underbelly Blue and lightly drybrushed with Underbelly Blue mixed with Menoth White Highlight.
 (The above is are the 2e plastic Freikorpsmann)

The main leather parts were painted Unbral Umber, drybrushed with Bloodstone, and lightly drybrushed with Bloodstone mixed with Menoth White Highlight.
 The metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed or highlighter with Quicksilver. The backpack was painted with Gnals Green and drybrushed with Ordic Olive. The bedroll was painted with Bootstrap Leather and drybrushed with Rucksack Tan.
 The skin was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh. One of the 2e platic models I instead used Iridian Flesh, drybrushed with Khardic Flesh, and lightly drybrushed with Midlund Flesh. Von Schill is an equal opportunity employer.
 The lenses were painted with Meridius Blue. The straps were painted with Beast Hide. The pistol butt was painted with Bootstrap Leather.
The bases were made with the Victoriana Basius 2 plate and painted with dollarstore black. The bricks were painted with Skorne Red, drybrushed with Khador Red Base and lightly drybrushed with a mix of Khador Red Base and Menoth White Highlight. The stone/gravel/debris was painted with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. Then the base and model was washed with Agrax Earthshade.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Convict Gunslinger - The Male One

I have painted a convict gunslinger before but it was the alternative Miss Demeanor. Now I've finished with another metal sculpt from the first edition of the game. The new ones are very wel sculted plastic, here.
 But I didn't paint him entirely. I purchased this model from a fellow and added a few paints. Here is the original front.
 And back.
 I first painted his hair with Thamar black, then drybrushed with Khador Red Base and lightly drybrushed with Khador Red Highlight. His skin I Drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh. I touched up the bandolier and scars with Khador Red Base. The leather gloves and boots I drybrushed with Rucksack Tan. The bullet bases I painted with Molten Bronze. The metal parts I drybrushed with Quicksilver. The skull kneepads I drybrushed with Shining Gold. The pants were drybrushed with Ordic Olive and drybrushed with Ordic Olive and Menoth White Highlight. Finally the model was washed with Agrax Earthshade.
Here is the back of the model after my added paints.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Basius 3

This kickstarter for Basius 3 - Texturis is a continuation of the Basius concept, from Wargames Bakery, providing plates so people can make textured bases. In this case it is smaller plates that are more affordable.
I ordered eight of them to fill the gaps of what I received during the Basius 2 kickstarter.
The three above, from upper right counter clockwise, are the Dojo, Devestated Dojo, and Immaculate Lawn. Why an Immaculate Lawn? Guildball! Also usable for any grassy sports basing actually.
I am going to enjoy trying these out!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dead Justice - Guild Marshals and Alternative Versions

These Malifaux models are from the 2011 Dead Justice box. These models either count as Guild Death Marshals or one as a Crooked Man, one as a Drowned, and one as a Guild Autopsy.
They were primed the same way as my regular Death Marshals. The exception is the Flesh which was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh mixed with Thraka Green, and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh mixed with Menoth White Highlight then washed with Thraka Green. Also the hair was painted with Thamar Black and the mouth with Menoth White Highlight. Bloody bits were painted with Skorne Red and after the model was washed it was touched up with Blood for the Blood God.
This one counts as a Guild Autopsy.
 This one counts as a Crooked Man.
This one counts as a Drowned.
The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red and Iosian Green.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Dead Justice - "The Judge" or Punk Zombie

This model is a Malifaux Guild/Ressurectionist faction model that is great melee combat model. It was available in the Dead Justice box set several years back, in 2011 at GenCon. It counts as the judge or a punk zombie.
It was primed white. Pants were painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Flesh was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh, washed with Thraka Green, and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh mixed with Menoth White Highlight then washed with Thraka Green. Boots were painted with Umbral Umber, drybrushed with Bootstrap Leather and lightly drybrushed with Beast Hide. The jacket was painted with Bloodtracker Brown and drybrushed with Beast Hide.
 Arm braces and leg were painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown. Metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. Hair was painted with Thamar Black. Goggles painted with Quicksilver and lenses painted with Arcane Blue. Brass bits painted with Rhulic Gold. Mouth painted with Menoth White Highlight. 
The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red and Iosian Green.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Dead Justice - Lady Justice or Dead Doxie

Lady Justice is a Malifaux Guild faction model that is a melee combat beast. This version was from the Dead Justice special metal box made during the 1E days in 2011. This particular model can also count as a Dead Doxie resurrectionist model.

It was primed white. Pants were painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Flesh was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh mixed with Thraka Green wash, and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh mixed with Menoth White Highlight then washed with Thraka Green. 
 Arm braces and leg were painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown. Metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. Hair was painted with Skorne Red, drybrushed with Khador Red Base, then lightly drybrushed with Khador Red Base mixed with Menoth White Highlight. The bronze parts were painted with Molten Bronze. Blindfold was painted with Thamar Black.
The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red and Iosian Green.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Lady Justice Avatar

Lady Justice is a Malifaux Guild faction model that is a melee combat beast. Her avatar model was made at the tail end of the first edition of the game and is entirely metal. You can sometimes find it in gamestores with older stock.
 It was primed white. Pants were painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Flesh was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh mixed with Menoth White Highlight.

Arm braces and leg were painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown. Metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. Hair was painted with Skorne Red, drybrushed with Khador Red Base, then lightly drybrushed with Khador Red Base mixed with Menoth White Highlight. The bronze parts were painted with Molten Bronze. Blindfold was painted with Thamar Black.
Both aspects were painted Umbral Umber. The blue one was roughly painted with Meridius Blue, drybrushed with Arcane Blue and lightly drybrushed with Frostbite. The horns were painted with Bloodstone and drybrushed with Mouldy Ochre. The brown aspect was roughly painted with Bloodtracker Brown, drybrushed with Rucksack Tan and lightly drybrushed with 50/50 mix of Rucksack Tan and Menoth White Highlight. The green smoke effect was painted with Ordic Olive, drybrushed with Iosian Green and lightly drybrushed with Necrotite Green.

The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The model was washed with Agrax Earthshade and the green smoke with Thraka Green. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Lady Justice

Lady Justice is a Malifaux Guild faction model that is a melee combat beast. You get it in the Guild's Judgement crew box.
It was primed white. Pants were painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Flesh was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh mixed with Menoth White Highlight.
Arm and leg braces were painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown. Metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. Hair was painted with Skorne Red, drybrushed with Khador Red Base, then lightly drybrushed with Khador Red Base mixed with Menoth White Highlight. The bronze parts were painted with Molten Bronze. Blindfold was painted with Thamar Black.
The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Scales of Justice

Scales of Justice is a Malifaux Guild faction totem for Lady Justice that primarily buffs friends. You get it in the Guild's Judgement crew box.

It was primed white. Skirt was painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Flesh was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh mixed with Menoth White Highlight.
The wood was painted with Thamr Black and drybrushed with Coal Black. Then it was lightly drybrushed with 50/50 mix of Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight then very lightly drybrushed with a 33/66 mix of the same. Arm braces were painted with Gun Corps Brown and drybrushed with Rucksack Tan.
Metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. The flames were painted with Skorne Red, drybrushed with Khador Red Highlight, lightly drybrushed with Heartsfire and very lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Yellow. The paper was painted with Menoth White Highlight and writing done with Thamar Black. Hair painted with Thamar Black and drybrushed with Coal Black.
The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The model was washed with Agrax Earthshade and the flames washed with Gryphon Sepia. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Judge

The Judge is Lady Justice's right hand man and is included in the Guild's Judgement crew box. He is agile, a hard hitter in range and melee and takes a licking.

It was primed white. Jeans painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Boots were painted with Umbral Umber, drybrushed with Bootstrap Leather and lightly drybrushed with Beast Hide. The jacket was painted with Bloodtracker Brown and drybrushed with Beast Hide.
Hat and gloves were painted with Thamr Black and drybrushed with Coal Black. Metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. The goggles were painted with Arcane Blue Chest harness was painted with Beast Hide.
The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The model was washed with Agrax Earthshade. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Miss Terious

Miss Terious is a limited edition model that counts as a Death Marshal model for Malifaux Guild faction. Painted the same as my Death Marshals.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Death Marshalls

The Death Marshals are Malifaux Guild faction models that primarily fight against the undead. They also ignore terrain and can place an opponent into their special pine coffins. You get get the Death Marshals in a pack of three or in the Guild's Judgement crew box. They can also be used in a Tara crew with the right upgrade.
 It was primed white. Jeans painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Boots were painted with Umbral Umber, drybrushed with Bootstrap Leather and lightly drybrushed with Beast Hide. The jacket was painted with Bloodtracker Brown and drybrushed with Beast Hide.
  Coffin and gloves were painted with Thamr Black and drybrushed with Coal Black. The coffin was then lightly drybrushed with 50/50 mix of Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight then very lightly drybrushed with a 33/66 mix of the same. Holster and harness was painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown.
Metal parts were painted with Pig Iron and drybrushed with Quicksilver. The skull mask and mystical flames were painted with Meridius Blue, drybrushed with Arcane Blue and lightly drybrushed with 50/50 mix of Arcane Blue and Menoth white Highlight.
The base was made with Basius 2 Plaguelands plate. It was painted with dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed with Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed with Cryx Bane Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Trollblood Highlight. The modle was washed with Agrax Earthshade and the flames washed with Ashuruman Blue. The outer base was painted with Skorne Red.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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