The Pegasus Hobbies Technobridge is a good, cheap way of getting terrain on the table. It is easy to assemble and really easy to drybrush paint. All I did was prime black and drybrush with dollarstore gunmetal. Its usable for many scales but the box says it can fit a "dirt pirate" aka 40k Landraider.
Tabletop miniatures, role-playing games, boardgames, military history and gaming in Victoria B.C. Canada
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Usable for small scale games, these barricades were simple and effective to paint up with dollarstore paints. Games I will use them for are: Horizon Wars, Planetfall, and Gaslands to name a few.
If you look carefully you can tell where these barricades came from...Ticket to Ride. I got a transparent set of trains for participating in a tournament several years back and had no use for them until now.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Generator or Barracks
This generator or barracks was painted with dollarstore paints and can be used for multiple scaled models. It was made from a cookie container and the two antennae were interesting items that my spouse was recycling.
Missile Silos or Factory Exhausts
Friday, March 26, 2021
Administration Building
Colony Building
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Terraforming Mars
Terraforming Mars is a great boardgame for solo or up to five players. It has many actions that can be taken, depending on the resources that you collect and spend as the game progresses. The objective is to have the most victory points after Mars has reached 14% O2, +8 degrees Celsius, and nine water areas have been placed. There is good reason why it has been in the top 10 on the BoardGameGeek website for some time.
I have participated in the Terraforming Mars big box kickstarter that will be able to contain all the expansions I have gotten as well as including 3D printed hexes and metal resource cubes.
Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms is a nice little strategy game that can be played solo and for up to five players in 45 minutes or less.
The game ends when someone has placed all seven of their armies, the sixth level of building is reached, or their faction's fifth level of research is reached.
I played three solo games and only won the third one, so its a good challenge if there is just yourself.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Uncharted Seas - Wharf and Jetty Pieces
The Uncharted Seas wharf and jetty piece set is good for seafaring terrain, in particular for making interesting scenarios. I can easily see it used for an "attack the port" with an opposed boarding to take the McGuffin, or having the attacker attempt to catch the defender in port with command rolls to get the crew back from shore leave IOT activate squadrons and move away from the jetty.
The stone jetties are thinner. The tower is for the harbour master.
Uncharted Seas - War Tower
The War Tower is an imposing fortification that can be used by any faction. It has options when purchasing to use in a battle: blank, cannon, mortars, or ballista. Unfortunately the package did not have a ballista insert so I will use the blank one for now. It was painted with various dollarstore paints, paint pen, Privateer Press Paints, and GW Agrax Earthshade wash.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Iron Dwarves - Chainmail Flagship
The Chainmail flagship for the Iron Dwarves is the same size as the Forge battleship but has some extras. They are slightly faster, more hull and crew points, have an offensive ram, longer range fore guns, rear turret, and rockets that have the chance at depleting more crew from the enemy. Same paint scheme as the core Dwarven ships.
More Iron Dwarf ships will arrive in the mail so a future post will feature them.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Iron Dwarves - Kraken Submarine
The Kraken submarine for the Iron Dwarves prefers to ram enemy models and carry no other weapon. Its Hull Breaker MAR means it gives Holed Below markers more easily. The Iron Ram MAR means it reduced enemy ram dice against it by half. Even though it is a smaller model than the Belcher, it has more DR and CR. This was fixed in the second iteration of their models. They were painted the same way as the core models, although the water was painted with various dollarstore blue paints and a gloss applied to it to give it a watery sheen. They are deployed in squadrons of one or two models.
Iron Dwarves - Belcher Submarine
The Belcher submarine for the Iron Dwarves is able to slink under the waves and deliver a short to medium range flame weapon that can give fire markers to enemy ships. Same paint scheme as the core Dwarven ships, although the water was painted with various dollarstore blue paints and a gloss applied to it to give it a watery sheen. They are deployed in squadrons of one or two models.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Iron Dwarves - Armoury Troop Carrier
The Armoury Troop Carrier for the Iron Dwarves does exactly what it says, gets crew to enemy ships to take them as prizes. They come in squadrons of two ships. They have less powerful broadsides and less ram than the cruiser. They do have one more crew point and the Tough Crew MAR, which makes it harder for opponents to score hits against crew in boarding actions. Painted in the same way as my core ships.
Iron Dwarves - Anvil Heavy Cruiser
The Anvil cruiser for the Iron Dwarves is a very upgraded version of the Hammer basic cruiser. The addition of the turret, higher damage/critical/hull/crew ratings, tougher ram, more firepower for the short and long broadsides makes this ship one of the most expensive heavy cruiser. They are slightly slower than the Hammer class.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Iron Dwarves - Background and Core Models
In Uncharted Seas, the Iron Dwarves ruled the old world once through their technological dominance and skill at waging war. Eventually civil war divides the dwarves into three factions: Delfdran, Venvalder, and Kullorian. They distrust magic, due to a faction that encouraged the best workers to leave for new lands with them who became the Shroud Mages which occurred in the height of dwarf power. All dwarven ships do not depend on the wind but are slower. They also have higher than average critical rating making devastating hits against them harder to come by.
With their background in mind, I wanted to keep the paint scheme basic, consistent, and looking strong. I started primed black. The wood was painted dark dollarstore brown and drybrushed egg yolk dollarstore yellow. The metal armoured hull was painted dark grey, drybrushed grey, and lightly drybrushed light grey. for the steel parts I started with PP Cold Steel but it sas not only taking too long but also was not able to be applied to the smaller bits without getting on the areas around it. I then switched to metal ink pens that I rediscovered I had, for the steel and bronze parts. Lastly I applied GW Seraphim Sepia to the entire model. The background description notes that fleets generally have individual markings in white to tell ships apart but I have decided not to do that.
I have two of these and they are deployed in squadrons of one.
More Iron Dwarf ships are forthcoming.
End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025
The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...
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