Sunday, March 7, 2021

Iron Dwarves - Background and Core Models

In Uncharted Seas, the Iron Dwarves ruled the old world once through their technological dominance and skill at waging war. Eventually civil war divides the dwarves into three factions: Delfdran, Venvalder, and Kullorian. They distrust magic, due to a faction that encouraged the best workers to leave for new lands with them who became the Shroud Mages which occurred in the height of dwarf power. All dwarven ships do not depend on the wind but are slower. They also have higher than average critical rating making devastating hits against them harder to come by.

With their background in mind, I wanted to keep the paint scheme basic, consistent, and looking strong. I started primed black. The wood was painted dark dollarstore brown and drybrushed egg yolk dollarstore yellow. The metal armoured hull was painted dark grey, drybrushed grey, and lightly drybrushed light grey. for the steel parts I started with PP Cold Steel but it sas not only taking too long but also was not able to be applied to the smaller bits without getting on the areas around it. I then switched to metal ink pens that I rediscovered I had, for the steel and bronze parts. Lastly I applied GW Seraphim Sepia to the entire model. The background description notes that fleets generally have individual markings in white to tell ships apart but I have decided not to do that.

Here are the basic small, medium, and large classes of ships that came in the starter boxes. From left to right Mortis class frigate, Hammer class cruiser, and Forge class battleship.

The Mortis is more expensive than many other races frigates, mainly because of the turret for 360 degree fire. They can be deployed in squadrons of two to four models. 

For the frigates I used PP paints to better distinguish the different squadrons if they got near one another. I have 16 of these.

The Hammer cruiser is cheaper than many races cruisers because they have no other weapon besides their broadsides. They are meant to aid the frigates and battleships and get between enemy squadrons. 

I have six of these, deployable in squadrons of two to three.

The Forge battleship is very slow but the addition of forward and aft weapons, and one of the most brutal broadsides in the game they are great for the finishing blows after the cruisers and frigates do their job. 

I have two of these and they are deployed in squadrons of one.

More Iron Dwarf ships are forthcoming.

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