Saturday, March 20, 2021

Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms

 Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms is a nice little strategy game that can be played solo and for up to five players in 45 minutes or less.

You start with a card of the Fantasy faction you represent randomly and it gives the benefits you receive at each tech level. You also start with a random terrain card and two army cubes that you place on two different regions on your card. 

Each turn, you place one of the grey cubes on an action (patrol, quest, build, research, trade) and other players can either do the same action or collect resources. The next player has to do another action that is available as so on until all actions have been used. The action card is then and all actions become available again.

In a solo game, there is a random faction that is your opponent and they conduct random actions. If that action is taken, you go around the compass until one is available. The compass is also used for the move army action and explore action, so you know where to move them. The strength of the solo opponent is determined by how many armies 

The game ends when someone has placed all seven of their armies, the sixth level of building is reached, or their faction's fifth level of research is reached. 

I played three solo games and only won the third one, so its a good challenge if there is just yourself.

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