Thursday, August 23, 2012

Miniatures - Reaper Kickstarter - Bones

I received a newsletter from Piazo publishing (they do the Pathfinder Role Playing game) about an offer on Kickstarter from Reaper miniatures. Reaper has been around for some time but recently they started selling polymer miniatures. That is right...polymer. I saw them at Norwescon this past Easter weekend and was impressed by the detail and price. I didn't get any at the time because I  realized that I have far too many miniatures in games I do play and want to paint let alone getting more miniatures when I still have unpainted ones from my rpg gaming days in the 80's. That was why I bought lots of the the D&D pre-painted minis. They were pre-painted.

But the newsletter caught my eye when it said they were being offered at the Vampire level for about 50 cents a miniature. 50 cents...The Scottish quarter of me was intrigued so I went to the Kickstarter site for Reaper.

Wow...Wow...I was amazed at the models and quantity. They have also amazed many others. They had an original goal of $30,000 dollars to make some figs to expand their line, as molds for the models are expensive to make. With 45 hours to go they have just under two million dollars pledged. Two million. I've heard of other huge success stories in gaming alone with kickstarter, Ogre and Shadowrun to name two of them.

I pledged at the vampire level, not because I need the miniatures but because they look awesome. Also because I should start painting my RPG miniatures and this will give me the kick-starter in the pants to do it. Expect me to paint random RPG figs in the years to come.

Update: They reached 3.4 million dollars and added more bonuses. 240 miniatures for the $100 Vampire level! Wow! Here is what was finally offered:
Sorry for the small image but its the best I could do. They also announced that they are moving their miniature factory from China to Texas next year with this cash infusion. The US could use extra jobs. Its going to be fun painting these little (and bigger) dudes!

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