Monday, September 3, 2012

Second Defender and Hunter

 Here they are, my first modelling projects since coming back from the Maritimes. My second Warmachine Cygnar Defender and... second Cygnar Hunter. The reason I've made a second one of each is because they are awesome jacks and also because they work well in Haley and Sloane tier lists.
 For the Defender, pinning the arms are a must!
Here they are primed black with Krylon spray paint.
 I started with P3 Ironhull Grey, P3 Cygnar Base Blue and P3 Cygnar Base Blue Highlight.
 Then it was a 50/50 mix of P3 Cygnar Base Blue Highlight and Frostbite. Then P3 Menoth White Highlight on the Defender shoulderpads. P3 Ironhull Grey was placed on the nubs and rivets that were around the 50/50 mixture above.
  P3 Cold Steel was brushed on the Ironhull Grey parts, then GW Runelord Brass on the brassy bits. For the Hunter, to tell it apart from my other Hunter, I used GW Chaos Black and over that stripe P3 Cygnar Yellow, almost as a campaign ribbon/Unit designation or something.
 Here his the finished Defender after some P3 Devlan Mud. It was based by painting the base with P3 Gun Corps Brown, using a paint brush to put dollar store glue on it and using first classic GW modeling sand (with the stones) and static grass. I then added a patch of Army Painter Battlefield Meadow Flowers.
 Right side view
 Left side view
 For the Hunter I added a piece of Gale Force Nine Concrete Rubble and painted it with two tones of grey dollar store paint. Same basing as the defender.
 Right side
 Back. As you can see I added two yellow dots to tell it from the other Hunter I have. The Defender didn't need it as the white shoulder pads are different from my original Defender.
 Left Side.
 Here are my two Defenders. No they are not different sizes, I just accidentally had one closer to the camera than the other. My new Defender has a different head because I bought him used mostly put together. For less than half the MSRP I couldn't complain and it does help to tell them apart.
And the two Hunters. I also noticed the GW Runelord Brass is different than the brass I used on the older figs, alas.

In the future for Cygnar Jacks, unless they are markedly different than the paints used above, I'll just reference this post and just show the finished product.

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