Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Tara is an orthodox Malifaux Outcast/Ressurectionist model. She can go twice in a turn (with the right upgrade), bury models (and damage buried models), and force fast/slow on models. Lots of tricks.

This model is the nightmare Tara. It was primed white. Jeans painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight and lightly drybrushed with Cygnar Blue Highlight mixed 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. Flesh was painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh mixed with Menoth White Highlight to give that after death afterglow. Boots were painted with Umbral Umber, drybrushed with Bootstrap Leather and lightly drybrushed with Beast Hide. The jacket was painted with Bloodtracker Brown and drybrushed with Beast Hide.
Hair was painted with Thamar Black, drybrushed with Coal Black and lightly drybrushed with Coal Black 50/50 with Menoth White Highlight. The hair was painted with Thamar Black and drybrushed with Coal Black. The sword was painted with Gnarls Green, drybrushed with Iosian Green, lightly drybrushed with Wurm Green and even lightly drybrushed with Necrotite Green 50/50 mix with Menoth White Highlight.
Base was done with Basius 2 Victoriana plate. Brickwork was painted with Skorne Red and drybrushed with Khador Red Base. The Grey sidewalk was painted with Cryx Bane Base and drybruhed with Bastion Grey. The water pipe was painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Iridian Flesh. The water was painted with Cygnar Blue Highlight and a line of Arcane Blue Highlight painted in the middle. The outside of the base was painted with Iosian Green on one side and Moldy Ochre on the other.

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