Model was primed white and washed with GW Nuln Oil. Flesh painted with Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. Gloves, shirt and headband painted with Thamar Black, drybrushed Coal Black, and lightly drybrushed with 50/50 mix of Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight.
Pants painted with Bootstrap Leather and drybrushed with Rucksack Tan. Boots painted with Umbral Umber, drybrushed Bootsrap Leather. Har painted Khador Red Base and drybrushed Khador Red Highlight. Hammer head painted with Cryx Bane Base and drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight. Handle painted with Bloodstone. Armband painted with Pig Iron.
Base was made from Basius 2 Steampunk plate. Painted with dollarstore black. Ground painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Bloodstone, lightly drybrushed Rucksack Tan. Gears were painted either Quicksilver, Molten Bronze, or Solid Gold. The whole model was then washed with Agrax Earthshade and a ring of Mouldy Ocre painted around the rim.