Sunday, April 22, 2018


Talos is an Outcast model that goes well with models that bury themselves or others. Also terrifying, solid melee (with 3 inch reach if a model is buried), buries nearby models, and forces horror dual with bonus for each buried model.

Metal parts painted Pig Iron, drybrushed mix Cold Steel/Necrotite Green, and washed Badab Black. Hammer painted Pig Iron the drybrushed Cold Steel and inset trim painted Thamar Black. Flesh painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. Hair and shoulder/back padding parts painted Thamar Black and drybrushed Coal Black.
Chest Furnace painted Khador Red Base, Khador Red Highlight, Ember Orange, Heartfire, Cygnar Yellow, and Sulfur Yellow. Face insert painted Khador Red Highlight and highlighted Cygnar Yellow. Front pelvic garment painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Beast Hide.
Basius 2 Dungeon plate used. Painted Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. Rubble painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Gun Corps Brown, and lightly drybrushed Rucksack Tan. Model and base washed with Agrax Earthshade, except person in Talos which was painted Saraphim Sepia. Outer ring painted Moldy Ochre.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Anna Lovelace

Anna Lovelace is a movement denying Malifaux henchman model for the Resurrectionist faction. No pushes, pulls or placement shenanigans within 8 inches. Also has rush of magic, decent melee attack, and solid casting attack that does not randomize. Can push models enemy away as well as enemy models near that model. Also a mercenary model so other factions can hire for an extra soulstone.

Metal parts painted Pig Iron, drybrushed mix Cold Steel/Necrotite Green, and washed Badab Black. Hammer painted Pig Iron the drybrushed Cold Steel and inset trim painted Thamar Black. Flesh painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. Hair and shoulder/back padding parts painted Thamar Black and drybrushed Coal Black.
Hair lightly drybrushed mix Coal Black/Menoth White Highlight. Blues painted Exile Blue, drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight, lightly drybrushed mix Cygnar Blue Highlight/Menoth White Highlight. Glasses painted Arcane Blue. Tome painted Umbral Umber and drybrushed Bloodstone with Menoth White Highlight for the pages.
Basius 2 Dungeon plate used. Painted Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. Rubble painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Gun Corps Brown, and lightly drybrushed Rucksack Tan. Model and base washed with Agrax Earthshade. Outer ring painted Iosan Green.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Hodgepodge Emissary

The Hodgepodge Emissary is an Outcast faction model for Malifaux. Slow but can push himself, friends, and enemies alike. Is also hard to kill and heals as his crew scores victory points. Can take upgrades designed for the master leading the crew, which are incredibly variable. This model was done over six months as I wanted to get the mix of colors just right to highlight the randomness of it.

Primed white and washed with Nuln Oil. Skin painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. Cape and hat painted Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. Tarp/tent painted Iosian Green, drybrushed Wurm Green, and lightly drybrushed Necrotite Green, then a very light drybrushing of Necrotite Green mixed with Menoth White Highlight. Donkey painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Beast Hide.
After that it was a smorgasbord of paints as I tried to make every item carried look different.
Base made with Basius 2 Victoriana plate. Painted dollar store black, heavily drybrushed Skorne Red, drybrushed Khador Red Base, then light drybrush mix Khador Red Base/Menoth White Highlight. Model washed with Agrax Earthshade and outer rim painted Moldy Ochre.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Gaslands - Amateur League Buggies and Bikes

For Gaslands, I had a thought that it would be good to have teams costing 25 cans (15 cans base plus addons) for quick and learner type of games. That's when I came up with the Amateur League, similar to the Car Wars division 5 games I used to play. The idea is to have 2 buggies and one bike per team. Below is the finished product.

I started off with two packs of these dollar store cars.
I then unscrewed the tops from the bottoms and super glued the wheels and "pull back action" dynamo.
I them peeled off the stickers and used Goo Gone on the residue.
I used various files to put forward and rear mounted weapon barrel holes on.
I then used long-ish glass beads that have a handy hole in the front in using superglue. I also cut zap straps to use as armour and glued those on.
After priming, I wanted to make four teams and therefor came up with four color schemes.
For two of them I had to use accent colors to make them brighter, the blue and green ones.
I then screwed them back together, used either Pig Iron or Cold Steel to paint the metal parts, and painted a numbering system on the spoiler or roof of the buggies.
 I then used two different metal colors (for wheel hubs and details) and for the windows used Arcane Blue and a bit of Menoth White Highlight for a glare effect.
The bikes are from Ramshackle who make great bikes at a perfect scale. I used an x-acto knife on some large dollar store popsicle sticks to fit the minimum 20mm by 30mm footprint for bikes. Also used the same paint colors as on the cars. Once everything was done used Agrax Earthshade to wash the models and make it look aged.
 Team Red.
 Team Green.
 Team Yellow.
Team Blue.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Ostensibly for Infinity and other 25-32mm miniature gaming, the Micro Art Studio Concrete Walls Set (2).For now I will use them extensivly for Gaslands terrain as tall barricades until I make my ruined car and debris piles.
 Painted with various dollar store paints.
 Also added some graffiti on the sides with various post-apocalyptic sayings and such.
For the graffiti I used Prismacolor paint markers and metallic Pentel Slicci paint markers.
 My favorite graffiti from Nelvana's Rock & Rule and Ruby-Spears' Thundaar the Barbarian. Interestingly Ookla's species was also called Mok.
 Mad Max 3 line and the often mentioned Mars is a Lie line.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Gaslands Gates

Before I start getting into Gaslands, I needed gates for the basic game: Deathrace. Normally for Deathrace you need a starting gate, two other gates, and the finish gate. Some players use the starting gate as the finish gate to add a little more time and tension to the game. Here are my gates. I made six total gates in case I had a larger than four by four playing surface or wanted a longer endurance race.
 They were made with dollar store oversize popsicle sticks and wooden cubes. The cubes were glued together with Gorilla wood glue then glued to the popsicle stick with Gorilla gel super glue.Painted with dollar store paints except tops which were various Privateer Press paints.
BTW the tank is an FCF57 of the Fast and Furious  line of cars.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Warriors Weekend 2018

Warriors Weekend is a two day gaming event that benefits the charity Pilgrim Bandits which helps veterans. Board, role-playing, and tabletop gaming were all featured. It was held at the Bay Street armories in Victoria BC.  It is quite the facility and the officers mess was open for drinks as well!

Here is where the majority of the action happened.

I was mostly in an eating mess in the upstairs that had an X-Wing tournament.

It also had a homegrown rules game with interesting rules and fantastic scenery.
On Saturday I tried to generate interest for a Guildball tournament but many other games took president for people. It ended up being a showcase with two games. Interest was generated though so perhaps more will play this great game.
I then broke out Gaslands for a first try with the fellow I played Guildball with and really like the simple rules and fun decision making.
On Sunday I ran a Malifaux tournament with four players and had a fun experience against different crews using different mixes of models.
If another one was organized I would participate and run more games.

Edit: around $1200 was raised for Pilgrim Bandits. Bravo to all organizers and attendees!


Benediction is a Union and Solthecius player for Guildball. The model is slow but tough and excellent combatant, with easy pushes and damage in the playbook. Can also gain extra armor and sturdy. The model also regenerates, can be the oregin model for friendly character plays, and can make one free counter attack each turn. It is available in the Faithful of Solthecius box.

Primed white and washed with GW Badab Black. White painted Menoth White and drybrushed Morrow White. Gold parts painted a 2/1 mix of Radiant Platinum and Cygnar Yellow.

Blues painted Exile Blue, drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight, and drybrushed mix Cygnar Blue Highlight and Menoth White Highlight. Metals painted Quicksilver. Leathers painted Bloodstone.
Basius 3 mini plate used for base. Painted dollarstore black. Roughly drybrushed Iosian Green, drybrushed Wurm Green, lightly drybrushed mix Necrotite Green/Menoth White Highlight.Entire model washed Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Beaten Purple.Scrub plant is an Army Painter product.

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Grace is a Union and Solthecius player for Guildball. The model is fast with a long range kick. Lots of dodges in the playbook and can heal models in an AOE as well as give a bonus on movement. Also gains two influence at the start of its activation, can remove an ongoing AOE effect nearby, and can make the origin model of character plays a nearby friendly model. It is available in the Faithful of Solthecius box.

Primed white and washed with GW Badab Black. White painted Menoth White and drybrushed Morrow White. Gold parts painted a 2/1 mix of Radiant Platinum and Cygnar Yellow. Blues painted Exile Blue, drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight, and drybrushed mix Cygnar Blue Highlight and Menoth White Highlight.
Metals painted Quicksilver. Leathers painted Bloodstone. Stone Union symbol painted Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight.

Basius 3 mini plate used for base. Painted dollarstore black. Roughly drybrushed Iosian Green, drybrushed Wurm Green, lightly drybrushed mix Necrotite Green/Menoth White Highlight.Entire model washed Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Beaten Purple.Scrub plant is an Army Painter product.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Seasoned Brisket

Seasoned Brisket is the third captain for the Union in the Guildball game.The model is fast, amazing kicker and better goal scorer, lots of dodges, lots of abilities to receive the ball from teammates or take it from the enemy, and has unpredictable movement. Comes in the Faithful of Solthecius box set.

Started primed white. Painted grey areas with Greycoat Grey, drybrushed mix of Bastion Grey/Beaten Purple, then lightly drybrushed mix Trollblood Highlight/Beaten Purple. Orange parts painted Khador Red Highlight and drybrushed Ember Orange. Skin painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, and lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. Metals painted Pig Iron and highlighted Quicksilver.
Leathers painted Bloodtracker Brown and drybrushed Beast Hide. Hair painted Skorne Red, drybrushed Khador Red Highlight, and lightly drybrushed Ember Orange. The sword hilts were painted Rhulic Gold. Vest painted Menoth White Highlight.
Basius 3 mini plate used for base. Painted dollarstore black. Roughly drybrushed Iosian Green, drybrushed Wurm Green, lightly drybrushed mix Necrotite Green/Menoth White Highlight.Entire model washed Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Beaten Purple.Scrub plant is an Army Painter product.

Edit: After I the Church of Solthecius was more independent of the Union faction, I repainted the model. It is here below. I think it makes it more cohesive with the other Church models.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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