Sunday, April 8, 2018


Benediction is a Union and Solthecius player for Guildball. The model is slow but tough and excellent combatant, with easy pushes and damage in the playbook. Can also gain extra armor and sturdy. The model also regenerates, can be the oregin model for friendly character plays, and can make one free counter attack each turn. It is available in the Faithful of Solthecius box.

Primed white and washed with GW Badab Black. White painted Menoth White and drybrushed Morrow White. Gold parts painted a 2/1 mix of Radiant Platinum and Cygnar Yellow.

Blues painted Exile Blue, drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight, and drybrushed mix Cygnar Blue Highlight and Menoth White Highlight. Metals painted Quicksilver. Leathers painted Bloodstone.
Basius 3 mini plate used for base. Painted dollarstore black. Roughly drybrushed Iosian Green, drybrushed Wurm Green, lightly drybrushed mix Necrotite Green/Menoth White Highlight.Entire model washed Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Beaten Purple.Scrub plant is an Army Painter product.

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