Sunday, November 25, 2018

Broken Toad Guildball Terrain - Part 1

As posted last month, I received shipment of a Guildball terrain kickstarter from Broken Toad. I've finished the first bunch. I am quite happy how they painted up as the drybrushing I did with dollar store paints brought out the detail.
 Below are two barriers.
 Some obstacles.
 Fast ground.
 Two of the themed balls they made. Union on the left and Solthecius on the right.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Horizon Wars - First Look

Horizon Wars is a miniature ruleset taking place in the near to far future, using 2mm to 10mm scale models. Sizes of games can be from platoon to battalion, from 30 minutes to two hours and game play looks that quick as the rules are simple but provide depth. It is published by Osprey and created by Robey Jenkins (link goes to his website with FAQs, extra rules, and such).
 The 120 page rulesbook is well laid out: Intro, what you need to play, basic definitions, turn, actions/reactions, aircraft, terrain, mustering a force, confrontations, authors history of future, and appendices.
 The rules are well explained with many examples throughout.
 The history section has various eras and special rules for playing in those eras.
 As an example, I got out my Wizkids Mechwarrior figs out of the crawlspace. With this ruleset they will see the light of day again. Making a force depends on your unit CHQ (command headquarters) as that will determine the +/- point adjustment for models in your unit under their command.  For instance light infantry CHQs favor airborne infantry, light artillery, and recon models but makes heavy infantry, light/hvy cavalry, and armored artillery more expensive. You also get one CR point (command resource) for every two conventional (not mechs or aircraft) you have in your unit. These can be spent on upgrades for models, but must be paid for every model of that type, like antigrav, strike, traps and more for aircraft and mechs.

Below is an example of a 30 minute, 7 Force Presence unit: heavy cavalry CHQ (which always costs zero points), another heavy cavalry model (3 points, no adjustment), two light cavalry models (1 point each including the -1 point adjustment), and two heavy infantry (1 point each including the -1 point adjustment). The author does mention in his FAQ (strongly advise downloading and reading while going trough the rulebook) that this method does make vehicle focused units more powerful but has come up with a more competative and balanced system in his free New Adventures supplement.
 Wait, you say, there is a mech on the cover. How much are they? Well, they are 1, 2, or 3 points depending on if you want a light, medium, or heavy mech. You then spend points for the attributes to determine if you want more movement, firepower, armor, or defense.
 Another 7 Force Presence unit is as follows: Light Infantry CHQ, another light infantry (1 point), light artillery (1 point including the -1 point adjustment), 2 recon suits (only one pictured, 1 point each including the -1 point adjustment), two airborne suits (1 point each including the -1 point adjustment), and one light mech (1 point).
For making forces with this game, I think I will take my two large bags of spare Mechwarrior miniatures, organize them by sculpts, ignoring factions, prime them, and paint them in various factions. I'll post in this blog page the results but will not get to it until next year.

The game designer mentions several companies that make miniatures in the 2mm to 10mm scale, including Firestorm Planetfall which I have three factions of. I'll see how this ruleset plays out and if I like it better than Planetfall (or whatever Wayland Games comes up with) I will use this.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Pride is the lion mascot for the Solthecius faction of Guildball.

Primed white and washed with GW Badab Black. White painted Menoth White and drybrushed Morrow White. Gold parts painted a 2/1 mix of Radiant Platinum and Cygnar Yellow. Blues painted Exile Blue, drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight, and drybrushed mix Cygnar Blue Highlight and Menoth White Highlight.
Skin painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Bloodstone, lightly drybrushed Bloodtracker Brown, and the very lightly drybrushed painted Rucksack Tan. Pedestal painted Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight, very lightly drybrushed mix Trollblood Highlight/Menoth White Highlight.
Basius 3 mini plate used for base. Painted dollarstore black. Roughly drybrushed Iosian Green, drybrushed Wurm Green, lightly drybrushed mix Necrotite Green/Menoth White Highlight. Entire model washed Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim of base painted Menoth White Highlight.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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