Sunday, September 15, 2019

Star Wars Legion - Stormtrooper Paint Scheme

From the starter box, or also available separately here, I wanted to determine what to use to paint the stormtroopers: primed white or primed black. Here are the finished products.

Here they are at the start.
GW Contrast Apocathary White was used on both.
Then a drybrush of GW Dry Praxeti White.
Then highlighted with Morrow White.
Thamar Black applied to the black parts. I then preferred the black primed one but decided to keep going with the primed white one.

After that it was a drybrush of Cold Steel to the guns then a wash of GW Gloss to the armour. The model on the left got a bit of Vallejo Mecha Weathering Oiled Earth applied in some areas to show armor wear then an entire wash of GW Agrax Earthshade. Bases made by Basius plates and painted appropriate colours.
The different bases will also be used to tell different squads apart.


  1. Something looks off about your primer. Kind of chalky, chunky. Are you priming when it's too hot?

    1. It was hot and the end of the can. I hope the rest of the figs are better.


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