Saturday, January 4, 2020

End of 2019 and beginning of 2020

So 2019 was an interesting year for games. There was a downswing of RPGs played but lots of board games.

The RPG played the most was a 5e alteration of the Pathfinder Legacy of Fire setting with 15 sessions played. Also dipped my toe into The Expanse with a 2 session intro game and one session of the very funny It came from the Late, Late, Late Show RPG with 1 session.

A whopping 112 games were played, many of them shorter length ones. Crib took the lead with 13 games played, then No Thanks! with 10, Schotten Totten with 9, Kingdomino 7, Ucher 5, and Wingspan 5. Other games were played 4 or less times. New games played that I want to play more were Battle at Rokugon, Battle of Five Armies, Betrayal At Bauldur's Gate, Everdell, Freedom, and Numbers.

The only game related book read was the Osprey Fighting Sail game book. I looked through my Wizkids ships and they are a perfect scale for this game. Even my wife is interested after she read the Partick O'Brian books this year.

For miniature games, 51 were played. They are: Battletech, Gaslands, 29 of Guildball (Brewers, Cooks, 11 Morticians, 15 Ratcatchers, Union), 6 of Horizon Wars, 7 of Malifaux (Asylum, Bandit,    -Freikorps, Half-Blood, 2 of Guilty, Mercenaries), a local ruleset called "Small Sci-Fi", 2 of Star Wars Legion, and 4 of an X-Wing Campaign.

I will be away here and there in 2020 so miniature and RPGs will be more limited. I do hope to paint and play more of Star Wars Legion, Guildball, Malifaux, Batman Miniature Game, and Gaslands. Also hope to paint up the dead game miniatures I have like Firestorm Armada, Dystopian Wars, and Uncharted Seas.

In 2019 I painted only 36 28-40mm scale models but a whopping 140ish 10mm scale models. 56 items of terrain for 28-40mm models and 22 items for 10mm models. I hope to paint more 28-40mm scale models and there are several that are close to completion.

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