Sunday, February 14, 2021

Small Sea Monsters

 For Uncharted Seas, the small sea monsters are good additions to any game. They are neutral and go after the closest models adding tension and strategy to a game. The seamonsters are, from left to right, the octopoda, kroken, and the naitaka.

The octopoda does not ram but wraps itself around a model. Every turn it conducts a boarding attack and will drag a model down after a number of turns. The larger class of model the more turns it needs.
The kroken rams an enemy ship, conducts a special maw attack, then does a boarding action against the ship.
The naitaka rams an enemy ship and does a special coil attack where it could destroy a ship outright, then fights a boarding action.

All of these models start submerged increasing its defenses. They also can enter play either on the game board edge or anywhere on the board if a player rolls luckily. The winner of the initiative roll is the one who choses the location. They should be fun!

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