Sunday, June 27, 2021

Alien Artifact

Here is an alien artifact or high science device I made for use in small scale games. It will be used as a scenario objective or backdrop for a game. Even space games something big.

I created it with found parts that were going to be recycled at Pacific Mobile, who take hard plastics as they do not have recycling symbols for city recycling. It just goes to show what you can create with found objects.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

TT Combat Sci-Fi X City Scenery

 I picked these TT Combat Sci-fi X city terrain items up from a local fellow selling his Dropzone Commander models, still in the packaging. More on Dropzone Commander later this year once I work on those models. It will fit a three by three foot table and with some of the other small scale terrain I have, I've got enough for a for a four by six table. It has taken a few weeks to put them all together and the online instructions on the TTCombat website are well done, although there are extra bits. Some items fitted tight enough to not need glue but most did. I have not painted them yet as I am still researching how to properly prime them, as I have not worked with MDF terrain much.

I will show overall pictures and then pictures of the individual sets provided by TTCombat.

Pictured with the scenery I've used 10mm Dropzone Commander Scourge models and Wizkids Mechwarrior 6mm mech/vehicles and 12mm infantry models I use for Horizon Wars. I think the scenery looks fantastic with the models. Very thematic. I will also be using them for Firestorm Planetfall and Bot War.

This is the City Accessories set. It includes overhead signs/traffic lights, fences, barriers, subway stairs, and news stands.

Helix Labs, perfect for places that have nastiness escape from.

With Brownstone Rows, you get four buildings.

With Westside Brownstones, there are two buildings in the set.

The back or side even has a fire escape! Cool.

If you do not glue the two together you can use them separately.

Lastly there is the HUGE Cradle Commerce.

Like the Regal Financiers building, if you do not glue the upper and lower portions together you can use them separately. 

Once I figure out the best way to prime them, I'll try to finish them before the end of the year.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Country Cottages

Nothing says a quiet countryside like thatch cottages. I cannot remember where I got them but these painted up quick with Dollarstore paints. They will make for nice objectives or solid terrain in wilderness games with small scale models, like these 6mm scale Wizkids Mechwarrior infantry.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

More Trenches

I picked up these angled tranches from Miniaturemarket's Tiny Terrain series

They expanded on the ones I bought before and painted in 2019. They are good for small scale up to 25mm scale, as the 30mm Warmachine Swordknight looks a little big. I think I drybrushed them with a little too much yellow in the brown though. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Armorcast Building

 An old Armorcast building I've had laying around for a few decades, made for Battletech scale games. Now I will use it for any small scale games. Painted with Dollarstore paints.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Even More Firestorm Planetfall Terrain

I've made some more purchases of Firestorm Planetfall items and with them came more terrain. They are made for 10mm scale and go together very nicely. Even though they are made of cardboard with plastic frames they hold up together very well. I have been expanding the amount I have over the years here last year and here in 2015.

Here they are with 6mm scale Wizkids Mechwarrior models that I have painted up for use with the Horizon Wars rules.

They also come with these items for utilizing connecting walkways between buildings and adding decorative features to the tops of the buildings.

Here are the buildings with 32mm scale Stormtrooper from the Star Wars Legion game and a 30mm Cygnar Swordknight for Warmachine.
Here they are with the 10mm scale Aquan Planetfall models. 

These should be great for any modern to future small scale miniature game.

Escape Pod and Crashed Escape Pod

Form Miniaturemarket's Tiny Terrain series is the Escape Pod and the Crashed Escape Pod. It is a good scale for and painted up quick. Perfect for Horizon Wars, Planetfall, Dropzone Commander, Bot War, or any 15mm scale or less miniature game. Could be used as a cramped single model escape pod for larger models too. They were painted with various Dollarstore paints.

This model is a little top heavy but can glue it to a larger base.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Elder Sign

Elder Sign is a one to eight player game set in the Lovecraft world of unknowable horror. I picked this up a while ago used for cheap at a gaming convention. The game ends when either the common enemy is defeated or the players are eliminated by reducing their mind or health to zero.

Here is the table after I finished the third solo game and managed to defeat the enemy. There are lots of items to keep track of, common in many Fantasy Flight made games.

The main opponent is drawn randomly at the start of the game. Each is different and can sometimes influence the game as it is being played or reserves its strength for fighting the players at the end. The end phase of the game takes place when their right side is filled with tokens, which happens as cards and events occur.

The character that you play is also random and each has different mind and health stats as well as special abilities and starting items.

As the game progresses you can use up and gain items to help you against the minor and major foe.

When attempting goals you have to succeed in tests, determined by a roll of the dice and usage of items and spells. If your first roll does not succeed then you can keep some dice and reroll the dice pool as long as you get more dice to succeed. If you fail to get any successes then you must discard one die and roll again. If you fail there is a penalty in the lower left, in this case two health damage and a token placed on the main foe. If you succeed then you get what is on the lower right and place token on the success board equal to the number in green on the left side of the card, two in this case.

This game is fun and captures the unknowable horror of the Chuthulu mythos. 

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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