Saturday, February 9, 2013

Noctifier with Combi Rifle

The Noctifier is a sneaky model, as all Shasvasti are, and can camouflage themselves to gain the upper hand on their enemy.
 I started with a primed Krylon white model. The base was included with the blister and looks very nice. I then used P3 Ironhull Grey, drybrushed P3 Bastion Grey and a lighter drybrush of P3 Cryx Bane Highlight.
Then it was onto an even lighter drybrushing of GW Fortress Grey, a little GW Deneb Stone and for the cape GW Knarlok Green.

Then I applied GW Goblin Green and GW Skorpion Green to the cloak and armor, P3 Coal Black and P3 Cold Steel to the gun.
Finally a little P3 Menoth White highlight on the teeth and nails with a little GW Devlan Mud wash over everything.
For basing I used the same as my Combined Army starter.

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