Saturday, February 16, 2013

Point Defense and Communications Satellites

My next models in the world of Firestorm Armada are the Point Defense and Communications Satellites. They come in a pack of three PD sats and 4 comm sats. These miniatures make for nice scenery, even if you don't use rules for them. The models came as they were so no assembly required.
Above is the Comm Sat.

I used P3 Bastion Grey thickly drybrushed on the model then drybrushed with P3 Cold Steel. The guns on the PD models were painted with GW Blood Red. The comm arrays and little detail on the PD satellites  were painted with GW Dwarf Bronze. The domes on the comm sats were painted first with P3 Arcane Blue then lightly brushed with P3 Menoth White Highlight. The top tip of the PD sats were painted with P3 Cygnar Yellow.

Above is the PD sat.
 My cat Squeak wanted to see what the fuss was about. Cats don't make good terrain.
 The group of three PD sats.
 Four comm sats.
After some petting, the giant cat space monster was appeased. The planet was saved!

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