Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gottacon 2013 Sunday

Sorry i'm late with the post. Had to work overnight last night.

Sunday morning started well. I encountered a fellow who was demoing Firestorm Armada and brought my own ships to play. No need! In fact (I wish I took pictures before he left) they were Star Blazers models on interesting stands. For those of you unfamiliar to Star Blazers...
...cool huh! I grew up with this series in my teenage years and was drawn to the continuing rather than episodic storyline. Anyways I played a game with him and his son while I had a  young fellow on my side. They controlled Terrans, represented by Earth Force, and we were Sorylians represented by the Gamilons. He's recently into the Firestorm Armada rules but I was impressed by how his young son liked the game. Always good when a gamer can get their children involved.

After that it was the Malifaux Sunday tournament...
 My first game was against a fellow who had a Neverborn Dreamer force. His pastel paint scheme was nicely done and stood out on the table. His alternate sculpt Teddy was quite cute.
 He used the nightmares and bad dreams to make his forces very mobile. I just couldn't get around the table fast enough. I could have put a sacrificial model towards him and the executioner close behind to charge him, alas. A learning lesson.
 On my break between games, I saw this army for Warhammer Fantasy that was modded up to the nines. A Spartan themed Dark Elf army!
 I don't know what he used but as reader of ancient history, this made my jaw drop. He had calvary and winged warriors as well.
 Just awesome!

My other two Malifaux games were against another Dreamer player, whom I did much better against but he still won by the shared scheme "Treasure hunt". He popped a Teddy that I couldn't stop in turn 1 and he took off with the chest to his own side. It was the only model of his left at the end. That is one of the things I like about Malifaux, that you have to play to the scheme and objectives.

The last game was against the lady who played Ramos yesterday, with a slightly tweeked list. I had my Perdita and Santiago left and she had her master Ramos but again I lost by objectives. I'm getting better though. Even though I played six games and lost them all, I still had fun and learned lots. I also demoed the game to two of my gaming friends and they were quite interested in picking up some models.
 Here was a nice terrain feature that is the size and type that I wish to build. It would be good for Malifaux and Warmachine in particular.
 Another great looking model.
 Fences made from cardstock and such.
Another nice building.

That was Gottacon 2013! I'll be back again next year, this time trying out some board games hopefully.

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