Sunday, February 10, 2013

Speculo Killer

Here is the Speculo Killer, a Shasvasti infiltrator that assumes the identity of an enemy soldier and reveals herself at the opportune time. Also part of the 300 point Combined Army group that Corvus Belli recommends for starting players.
Here's what the studio painted her as.
She came in the Shasvastil Expeditionary Force boxed set.
Primed Krylon white.
I started with GW Goblin Green, then drybrushed GW Skorpion Green. Finally on the raised portions I lightly brushed on GW Knarloc Green.
The P3 Coal Black on the armor, P3 Cold steel both applied and drybrushed on various areas. Then P3 Hammerfall Khaki on the side temples. Then lightly drybrushed P3 Cryx Bane Highlight on the armor. The monofilament sword was painted with P3 Cygnar Yellow and drybrushed with P3 Menoth White Highlight. Finally on the forehead ridge I used GW Thraka Green.
The armor was washed in GW Devlan Mud and the body was washed in GW Gryphon Sepia. The base was based the same as my other Combined Army models.
And the back. Next will be the last model of the 300 pt list, the Morat Rasyat with Spitfire.

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