Friday, June 28, 2013

One Ring, the World of Tolkein RPG

The One Ring roleplaying game takes place five years after the events in J.R.R. Tolkein's book "The Hobbit". It is published by Cubicle 7 games. It was released August 2011.

I picked up my copy in 2012 after playing a demo game at a convention in Vancouver, Trumpeter Salute. I was and still am impressed by the layout, system and feel of this RPG. It comes in a hard sleeve that fits everything.

It comes with an adventurers book (players guide) and Loremasters book (GMs guide), player and GM map and special dice.
This is one of the sample characters. There are only three statistics but skills are fed from those. There is also valor and wisdom. The game system is detailed on Cubicle 7's website here.
The art is elegant and does not get in the way.
Each race has thier advantages to the player group, known as the fellowship. That is one of the two things about the game I really really like. The fact that you have to play as a group and are rewarded for it (it is based off of the Tolkein books after all). I also like the... How you get to your destinations are just as important as what you do there. That can be left out of any role playing game but this has it as a keystone.

The dice are also cool. As well as having the d12 make a comeback the 11 is replaced with the eye of Sauron and the 12 is replaced with the sigil of Gandalf. When attempting something you describe what you wish to do and the hopeful end goal. If the Sauron comes up you always fail. If Gandalf comes up you succeed. The other dice determine how well you succeed or fail.
The 1, 2 and 3 are hollow because if you have taken damage and are carrying a lot, you become fatigued and the 1, 2 and 3 do not count when adding up the dice and determining success. If a 6 comes up its a bonus to your success.
The map is very cool and very Tolkien-esque.

The reason I posted this so long after buying it is that we have started playing it in my regular group and wanted to pass along my stamp of approval.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Malifaux 2.0 Beta Markers and Scenery required

For Malifaux 2E, the following are the strategies, schemes, story encounters and story strategies that require markers or terrain for them.

Turf War: One turf marker
Squatter’s Rights: Five 30mm squat markers
Stake a Claim: Lots of 30mm claim markers

A Line in the Sand: Lots of scheme markers
Distract: Distract markers
Protect Territory: Lots of scheme markers
Breakthrough: Lots of scheme markers
Cursed Object: Scheme Markers
Plant Evidence: Scheme Markers
Plant Explosives: Scheme Markers
Spring the Trap: Scheme Markers
Power Ritual: Scheme Markers

Story Encounters
Ancient Monument: 50mm base
Forbidden Text: Two 30mm book markers
Arcanist Lab: Four 30mm vial markers
Dead Zone: 3 by 3 inch Dead zone
Graveyard: Four 30mm Carcass markers
Mysterious Effigies: Two 30mm Effigies markers
Carnivorous Plants: Two 50mm Carnivorous Plants markers
Junkyard: Four 30mm Junk markers
Mine: Four 30mm Soulstone Vein markers
Saloon: 3 by 3 inch “Open Bar” zone and four 30mm chair markers
Hanging Tree: 50mm tree marker

Story Strategies
Jail Break: 3 by 3 cell
Destroy Evidence: Three 30mm Evidence markers
Arcane Ritual: An ancient monument (see above); Scheme markers
Theft: Four 30mm Gem markers
Stake a Claim: see above
Escort: Escort model
Search: Four 30mm search markers
Squatter’s Rights: Five 30mm squat markers
Treasure Hunt: 30mm Treasure marker
Supply Wagon: 50mm Wagon marker
Sabotage: Sabotage Markers

So the soulstone marker I made is too large and other terrain I've made for Malifaux  (here here and here) is no longer valid. I can still use it for Warmachine and Infinity though. The list of terrain in the 1.5 version I have listed here

As a solution, I decided to look through my stash of modelling items and found these...
They are wooden disks from a company in Nova Scotia Canada called Bear Woods. I had bought them for Warhammer Ancients bases but dropped it in favor of playing Warhammer 40k, almost a decade ago. They are listed under their game pieces page here.
They are just shy of the diameter of the base, but I have hundreds of these. Now I just need a wood burner to make it look pretty and a case to divide the different types of markers (scheme, corpse, scrap, carcass, vial, book, claim...etc). I could even burn in nice pictures. I'll post here with what I come up with, I just need to find a wood burner at a yard sale.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Malifaux 2.0 Terrain Setup and First Game

We decided to give Malifaux 2E a go to feel out the new rules.
The game is still played on a three foot by three foot table. I picked up some felt for an easy and cheap game board. Lilith looks quite lonely on the game board.
 The game is played with at least 25% of the table having terrain features. 25% isn't a lot.
 It can be played with up to 50% of the table having terrain. That is quite a lot of terrain.
The recommended amount is a third so that's what we used for our first try of 2.0E rules.
 This is the table once we set up our deployment and chose factions. We drew a typical deployment of six inches in. Since we wanted to get used to the new rules, no schemes or strategies were drawn. The forces were for me: Lilith, Cherub, Mature Nephilium, Young Nephilium, three Terror Tots, Doppelganger and a Waldegeist for 47 points. I was against: Lady Justice, Judge, three Death Marshal's, two Austringers and an Executioner for 48 points. We chose no upgrades. As you can tell, for those that have played the game before, the point values of models have increased.
In the end, I won. Terrain played a big part in this. With my faction ignoring a lot of the terrain and being up against a mostly ranged list, only the austringers had no problem attacking me. For our next game we will have the same volume of terrain except more larger based and impassable terrain. This should even things out.

We liked the new cards for the game. Less abilities meant more time playing after quickly choosing an ability.

So far Malifaux 2.0E is looking like a great idea. As well, there is a new version of the beta available. Just go here and choose the most recent playtest files. It looks like they are updating often. (Edit: The Beta is done. 2E rules are out end of September 2013).

Arcane Ruins Part Two

 This is the second set of Arcane Ruins that I've built. This time I wanted to have it as separate pieces.

That way they can be used as barriers or obstructions. They can even be temporarily assembled.
Combined with my first set they cover a lot of table space. I drybrushed more light grey on the second set so I went back and put some more on the first. I also put flock on all the terrain to give it a more ruined look.
The columns can be placed end for end for makeshift barricades.

The scale is perfect.
Now onto other models!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Starcom Vehicle

It's hard to buy inexpensive toys that are around 28mm scale. That's why I grabbed this in a flea market.
The Starcom show came out in the 80's and was cancelled after a brief season. They made 23 vehicles for the show as well as six playsets. If I see more of these, as long as they look good I'm going to pick them up. Be aware that complete vehicles sell for big bucks on the internet. A complete out of the box version of this vehicle can be upwards of $100, so look in yard sales and flea markets.

I'll probably give a paint job to this vehicle but not for a little while.
 The toys also had moving parts as a "power deploy" feature. They also had lots of magnetized areas for the weapons and action figures to grip onto. As you can see above, the deployed feature isn't appealing.

Ruins of Osgiliath

The LOTR terrain pack was very flimsy and didn't have any weight to it in look or feel. I haven't painted it yet for that reason. That's why I like the Ruins of Osgiliath terrain set. So I bought two used ones, still in its packaging, last year
I started with the terrain primed black. Then I drybrushed dollarstore dark grey and then moderatly drybrushed it in lighter grey. For the wood bits it was dollarstore dark brown then lighter brown. I then glued green GW flock at various spots on the terrain to give it a more ruined feel.
Two sets make for a good spread of terrain. Its multi-level too.
  Even though the scale for LOTR is slightly smaller, everything fits in well.
The different levels can add to the tactics employed. I can see using this terrain for Warmachine, Hordes, Infinity and Malifaux.

When pushed together they can be a good ruined enclosed or open building.

Same for the other building too. The statues can be addons to the buildings or standalone obstructions.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Malifaux 1.5 versus 2.0

Malifaux has announced that they will be revamping their rules from 1.5 to 2.0. They want to test the system by releasing a free beta for people to try. This beta will culminate in version 2.0 being released in August at GENCON. The beta rules are here, valid as of 06 June 2013. (edit: Link removed as the beta test is done. Rulebook available end of September 2013)

After reading it twice, I have to say that I like it a lot. It reads better and is more straightforward. The stat cards are have less on them but experts at the game can buy upgrades to make them the models they know for extra soulstones. The list of differences are here:

-Setup: On page 40. Quite different and need 30mm bases for scheme markers.
-Hand size is 6, no matter the size of game.
-Actions: Masters have 3 all others have 2.
-Pre-measuring is allowed
-Soulstones can be used...
-in the draw phase to draw 2 extra cards but must still discard to 6 after drawn
-to reflip the initiative card.
-to give a  +suit for a duel
-for the defender to give a + flip to the duel and –dmg for the attacker's damage flip if you loose the duel.
-when attacking a +flip for the attack duel.
-to prevent damage.
-Red Joker: For damage does severe+weak damage, not another flipped card.
-Strategies are different. There are less of them and more straightforward. See pg 48
-Schemes are cool: pg 50. All characters can make a scheme token with an interact action. That way the purpose of the scheme is unknown until revealed at the end of the game. Scheme tokens can be removed with an interact action.
-Upgrade Maximums: Master 3, Henchmen and enforcers 2, Minions 1. They look awesome and can easily be used.
-Triggers: only one can be declared
-VPs are earned at the Upkeep phase at the end of each turn, depending on if its a scheme or strategy. There is a maximum amount of points that can be gained. This is so someone cannot run away with the game.
-General actions are on pg 23: Charge, Defensive stance, focus, walk, interact
-LOS is on pg 24 and 25 and more straightforward. LOS if 2” higher than target or more is determined diagonally. Range is always checked top down not diagonally.
-Horror duels: Normally identified as the “terrifying” trait. Must be done if moving within melee range or targeting an action against the model. If failed becomes paralyzed.
-Blasts on pg 34 are straightforward now.
-Linked games on pg 73 looks awesome and they should be used for fun campaign narratives.

I'm playing a game tonight so i'll let you know...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Arcane Tempest Blazers

Cygnar's newest additions for the Warmachine miniatures game are Arcane Tempest Blazers. I've used them for a few games and I already like them a lot. They are fast, have three different types of attacks, have a very high defense and can move five inches after they shoot.
 I started with primed white models.
 All of the riders I used the paints used for my Arcane Gunners.
 For the horses I used five different paints and then drybrushed a lighter shade to add contrast.

 The saddles I used P3 Bootstrap Leather and the metal parts I used P3 Cold Steel.
 The hooves were painted with P3 Menoth White.
 The ladies shirts were painted with one-third P3 Frostbite and two-thirds P3 Morrow White.

All in all a solid unit.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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