The One Ring roleplaying game takes place five years after the events in J.R.R. Tolkein's book "The Hobbit". It is published by Cubicle 7 games. It was released August 2011.
This is one of the sample characters. There are only three statistics but skills are fed from those. There is also valor and wisdom. The game system is detailed on Cubicle 7's website here.
The art is elegant and does not get in the way.
Each race has thier advantages to the player group, known as the fellowship. That is one of the two things about the game I really really like. The fact that you have to play as a group and are rewarded for it (it is based off of the Tolkein books after all). I also like the... How you get to your destinations are just as important as what you do there. That can be left out of any role playing game but this has it as a keystone.
The 1, 2 and 3 are hollow because if you have taken damage and are carrying a lot, you become fatigued and the 1, 2 and 3 do not count when adding up the dice and determining success. If a 6 comes up its a bonus to your success.
The map is very cool and very Tolkien-esque.
The reason I posted this so long after buying it is that we have started playing it in my regular group and wanted to pass along my stamp of approval.