Thursday, June 13, 2013

Malifaux 1.5 versus 2.0

Malifaux has announced that they will be revamping their rules from 1.5 to 2.0. They want to test the system by releasing a free beta for people to try. This beta will culminate in version 2.0 being released in August at GENCON. The beta rules are here, valid as of 06 June 2013. (edit: Link removed as the beta test is done. Rulebook available end of September 2013)

After reading it twice, I have to say that I like it a lot. It reads better and is more straightforward. The stat cards are have less on them but experts at the game can buy upgrades to make them the models they know for extra soulstones. The list of differences are here:

-Setup: On page 40. Quite different and need 30mm bases for scheme markers.
-Hand size is 6, no matter the size of game.
-Actions: Masters have 3 all others have 2.
-Pre-measuring is allowed
-Soulstones can be used...
-in the draw phase to draw 2 extra cards but must still discard to 6 after drawn
-to reflip the initiative card.
-to give a  +suit for a duel
-for the defender to give a + flip to the duel and –dmg for the attacker's damage flip if you loose the duel.
-when attacking a +flip for the attack duel.
-to prevent damage.
-Red Joker: For damage does severe+weak damage, not another flipped card.
-Strategies are different. There are less of them and more straightforward. See pg 48
-Schemes are cool: pg 50. All characters can make a scheme token with an interact action. That way the purpose of the scheme is unknown until revealed at the end of the game. Scheme tokens can be removed with an interact action.
-Upgrade Maximums: Master 3, Henchmen and enforcers 2, Minions 1. They look awesome and can easily be used.
-Triggers: only one can be declared
-VPs are earned at the Upkeep phase at the end of each turn, depending on if its a scheme or strategy. There is a maximum amount of points that can be gained. This is so someone cannot run away with the game.
-General actions are on pg 23: Charge, Defensive stance, focus, walk, interact
-LOS is on pg 24 and 25 and more straightforward. LOS if 2” higher than target or more is determined diagonally. Range is always checked top down not diagonally.
-Horror duels: Normally identified as the “terrifying” trait. Must be done if moving within melee range or targeting an action against the model. If failed becomes paralyzed.
-Blasts on pg 34 are straightforward now.
-Linked games on pg 73 looks awesome and they should be used for fun campaign narratives.

I'm playing a game tonight so i'll let you know...

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