Saturday, June 15, 2013

Malifaux 2.0 Terrain Setup and First Game

We decided to give Malifaux 2E a go to feel out the new rules.
The game is still played on a three foot by three foot table. I picked up some felt for an easy and cheap game board. Lilith looks quite lonely on the game board.
 The game is played with at least 25% of the table having terrain features. 25% isn't a lot.
 It can be played with up to 50% of the table having terrain. That is quite a lot of terrain.
The recommended amount is a third so that's what we used for our first try of 2.0E rules.
 This is the table once we set up our deployment and chose factions. We drew a typical deployment of six inches in. Since we wanted to get used to the new rules, no schemes or strategies were drawn. The forces were for me: Lilith, Cherub, Mature Nephilium, Young Nephilium, three Terror Tots, Doppelganger and a Waldegeist for 47 points. I was against: Lady Justice, Judge, three Death Marshal's, two Austringers and an Executioner for 48 points. We chose no upgrades. As you can tell, for those that have played the game before, the point values of models have increased.
In the end, I won. Terrain played a big part in this. With my faction ignoring a lot of the terrain and being up against a mostly ranged list, only the austringers had no problem attacking me. For our next game we will have the same volume of terrain except more larger based and impassable terrain. This should even things out.

We liked the new cards for the game. Less abilities meant more time playing after quickly choosing an ability.

So far Malifaux 2.0E is looking like a great idea. As well, there is a new version of the beta available. Just go here and choose the most recent playtest files. It looks like they are updating often. (Edit: The Beta is done. 2E rules are out end of September 2013).

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