Friday, July 12, 2013

Spartan Games - Range Scale and Firing Arcs

Range scales in all games are a funny thing. Some allow you to premeasure and some don't. In all of  Spartan Games products you can premeasure. Use it often and wisely.
In the above photo, this is just at the limit of range band one or eight inches. Quite close. This is measured from the firing ship to the nearest point of the target. This is even if it is its beam...
...or stern or bow is closest.
If you are firing a CC then it is determined from that side. That means fixed channels, especially front and aft and less so from the side as above, are very limited. In the case above, the Britannia cruiser has fixed channel torpedoes and would miss the Prussian cruiser. If it had a broadside firing arc, it would be able to target the Prussian.
This is at the limit of range band two. For most forces in Spartan Games family this is the optimum range, which is between eight and sixteen inches. From my experience in the Navy, more weapon systems can be brought to bear on an enemy at the halfway point between the average maximum and minimum range of all weapon systems and Spartan Games has chosen this range to be it. It also encourages models to move closer to one another but not too close.
Range band three limit at twenty-four inches. Medium and larger capitol ships can still cause major damage at this range. My advice would be to either hope for a lucky hit on same size ships as the firing ship, link fire to target one size class larger than the firing ships or eliminate smaller size ships before they all get too close.
From the view of the ship its quite a ways away.

The furthest is range band four, twenty-four to thirty-two inches away. Generally only large and above class ships can do any noteworthy damage at this range and only against small size ships, unless you feel lucky.

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