Saturday, July 27, 2013

Austringer 1 and 2

Hired by the Guild for their affinity with their bird of prey, they strike from afar without regard for line of sight or cover. If stuck in melee the bird can get its master out of trouble quickly.
 There are two versions of Austringers. This one is #1.
This one is #2. I have fought against them but not with them. I can say they are a real pain for models that use terrain to their advantage but they fall apart if you can get to them quick and cut them down in melee.
 Primed black.
 P3 Greycoat Grey, drybrushed P3 Ironhull Grey then P3 Bootstrap Leather including the birds.
  Drybrush P3 Rucksack Tan on the parts painted brown, P3 Thamar Black (gloves) and a 50% P3 Rucksack Tan and P3 Cygnar Yellow mix on the birds. Then P3 Khardic Flesh and drybrush P3 Midlund Flesh.
  Drybrush P3 Coal Black on the gloves, drybrush P3 Bastion Grey on the gloves and GW Runelord Brass on the buckles and such.
 P3 Khardic Red Base on the scarf and bird eye, P3 Skorne Red drybrushed on the scarf, drybrush Cryx Bane Highlight on the gloves and P3 Cygnar Yellow on the bird beak and drybrushed on the wings.
 Then it was a wash of GW Gryphon Sepia on the bird and GW Devlan Mud on the austringer.
The base was done in GW gravel and GW grass with the same desert grass used from IMEX Southwestern Alamo Accessories as Perdita's Gang that I did last year. The base edge was painted with GW Mecrite Red.

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