Saturday, July 20, 2013

Spartan Games - Wing Marking

The way the number of planes you have in a wing are marked in Spartan Games products are different for Firestorm Armada and Dystopian Wars.

In Firestorm Armada, wings can be Fighters, Interceptors, Assault Shuttles or Bombers. The wings are indicated with a chit or handmade plane (they have no resin markers yet so i'm using a Dystopian Wars Prussian one) plus a die to represent how many planes are in the wing.

In Dystopian Wars, wings can be Fighters, Scout, Dive Bombers, or Strike bombers. They are represented by a resin marker for each plane squad (of three) in the wing.

The advantage of the Firestorm Armada method is saving space. The advantage of the Dystopian Wars method is at a glance you see how many wings you have and you have to think about how to have them attack a target.

Regardless, for Firestorm Armada I will use my Dystopian Wars Wing markers.

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