Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fiasco - Rat Patrol

I presided over a Fiasco RPG game from Bully Pulpit games at NORWESCON 2014 in Seattle. For details on my convention experience, click here for Friday and here for Saturday/Sunday.

Fiasco is a gamemasterless role playing game that has multiple free playsets to act out and all end up badly while having fun. It also requires minimal dice rolling to concentrate on the role playing. We played the Rat Patrol playset where we are newly freed rats who were experimented on to grant encyclopedic knowledge and human level intelligence...who seek revenge.

It was my first time presiding over a Fiasco game and my second time playing it. Very good fun was had by all.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Neverborn Nekima

Nekima is a Nephilium model I have not played against or with. For completeness, and because I bought her cheap, I decided to give this model a go. Even though the game is 32mm the Nekima model is about double the height of other models! It also was a tough model to stay in the lines but I am proud of the paint job on the wings.
 Primed black. P3 Khardic Flesh on body and wings then drybrushed P3 Midlund Flesh. The body was then lightly drybrushed with P3 Ryn flesh while the wings were lightly drybrushed with P3 Cygnar Yellow. The wings were then washed with GW Baal Red. The leggings and bikini were painted with P3 Skorne Red then a lighter red color (unknown as I neglected to write it down). The base was then painted with P3 Greycoat Grey then drybrushed with P3 Cryx Bane Highlight and finally lightly drybrushed with P3 Trollblood Highlight. The horns and wing struts were painted with P3 Bootstrap Leather and drybrushed with P3 Rucksack Tan. The sword and metal bits were painted with P3 Ironhull Grey and lightly drybrushed with P3 Quicksilver and touched up with P3 Solid Gold. The boots and back of the bikini/robe were painted with P3 Thamer Black and then drybrushed with P3 Frostbite. The gold details were done with a gold metallic pen. The wings were washed with GW Ogryn Flesh and the body with GW Devlan Mud.
I hope to use her as a henchmen of the Nephilium sometime soon.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Neverborn Teddy

Having played against Teddy in the Malifaux skirmish miniatures game, I wanted to add him to my Neverborn Nephilium forces.
 I started primed black. Then a rough drybrush with P3 Battlefield Brown, a lighter drybrush in P3 Bootstrap Leather and an even lighter drybrush in P3 Rucksack Tan. The stomach and paws were done with P3 Trollblood Base then drybrushed P3 Meridius Blue and lightly detailed with P3 Menoth White Highlight, to make it seem souls were struggling inside. The teeth were painted with P3 Menoth White Highlight. The gums and claws were painted with GW Scab Red then P3 Skorne red and finally P3 Skorne red mixed with P3 Menoth White Highlight. The gums and eyesockets were painted with P3 Coal Black. The eyes were then painted with P3 Necrotite Green.

I then made the base with air drying clay, painted the cracks with P3 Thamar Black. The wood was painted with P3 Bootstrap Leather and lightly drybrushed witth P3 Rucksack Tan. Teddy was then washed in GW Gryphon Sepia and the base painted with GW Liche Purple.
The silver was put on with a metal ink pen. Much cleaner than painting by hand for me.

I have not used him yet but he's the shadows.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Cygnar Gallant

I now have great respect for those who can paint with white. I am not happy with the result of this jack but i will accept it in order to move onto other painting.
I painted most of him like my other Cygnar jacks.
The white was P3 Menoth White Highlight. The gold detail on the top and sholderblades were done with a gold gel paint pen.
BTW this jack rocks with Constance Blaze.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cygnar Hammersmiths

My Cygnar Hammersmiths are of two types, the older metal one and the newer plastic one from the multi-kit.
I painted them like my other Cygnar jacks but I did make them slightly different with white trim on the plastic one.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Terran Fleet from Battle of Valhalla Box Set

For the Spartan Games Firestorm Armada starter box set, Storm Zone: Battle for Valhalla, I decided to go with a new paint scheme for my Terran Alliance Fleet. My previous paint scheme is here and it was not dramatic enough.
This is definitely more dramatic and functional. Exactly what is expected of a desperate Earth Force.
 Primed black.
 Drybrushed heavily with dollar store dark grey.
 Lightly drybrushed with dollarstore lighter grey and parts painted with P3 Cygnar Base Blue. Then the blue parts lightly drybrushed in P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight.
 The solar panels were painted with P3 Cygnar blue Highlight and drybrushed with P3 Arcane Blue. The missile doors were painted with P3 Cygnar Yellow. The guns were drybrushed with P3 Cold Steel.
I then used my detailing friend, Prismacolor Premier black fine line marker to take care of the detailing. Its much easier than painting those fine lines with my hands.
 Here's the Terran fleet! One Battleship, three Cruisers, four frigates, four bombers and four fighters. There are more fighters and bombers than normal but that is because of the repair facility. I'm still wondering how to paint that one.
 Close up of the cruisers.
 The Battleship.
 The fighters. I tried to make a star scape but it didn't turn out right, alas.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Black Blood Shaman

The Black Blood Shaman incorperates some abilities that Lilith can do with upgrades and more besides. This model is made by Wyrd miniatures for the Malifaux game.
I kept it close tot he original studio paint scheme. Primed with spray white. Washed the wings with GW Baal Red. Washed the body with GW Asuruman Blue. The bottom the the skirt was done with P3 Meridius Blue. The upper skirt and hairpiece was done with P3 Khador Red Base and drybrushed with P3 Khador Red Highlight. The bottom the the skirt and body was drybrushed with P3 Frostbite. P3 Bootsrap Leather was used ont he belt and drybrushed with P3 Rucksack Tan. The forarms were washed with GW Badab Black to make it look like nylons or something. The gold parts were painted with P3 Rhulic Gold. The mask was painted with P3 Cygnar Yellow and drybrushed with P3 Solid Gold. The dagger and metal bits were painted with P3 Ironhull Grey and drybrushed with P3 Quick Silver.
The whole model was washed with GW Devlan Mud. The base was done with the air drying clay and dollar store paints. The outer base was painted with GW Lich Purple.

I have not played him yet but he does have the nice ability to allow Terror Tots to grow into Young Nephilium.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Guild Lawyer

The Guild Lawyer for the Wyrd Miniatures Malifaux game is a crafty mimic. He is good to cause confusion and chaos for others. As a mimic he can be used in Lucius Neverborn crews.
I sprayed with black. Then heavy drybrush of P3 Greycoat Grey than drybrushed P3 Ironhull Grey. Then I went over some black areas in P3 Thamar Black and those areas a light drybrush of P3 Greycoat Grey. On the red areas I used P3 Skorne Red and drybrushed with P3 Khador Red Base. The skin tones were done with P3 Khardic Flash then drybrushed with P3 Midlund Flesh. The leather bits were done in P3 Bootstrap leather then drybrushed in P3 Rucksack Tan.
  The leather paints were used for the hair with some blending except the female guard where I used P3 Cygnar Yellow. The gold bits I used P3 Rhulic Gold and metal bits P3 Cold Steel. I then washed everything in GW Devlan Mud and based it like my other Malifaux models with air drying clay.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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