Sunday, January 31, 2016

Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes is a great model with a unique ability: shooting into melee without randomizing. The model also has a zero action shooting attack. Added to this movment triggers and other benifits, its a potent henchman.

 The model was primed white and washed with black wash. The skin was then painted with Khador Red base, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh. The under outfit was painted with Umbral Umber, drybrushed with Bootsrap Leather and lightly drybrushed with Rucksack Tan. The boots were painted with Coal black and lightly drybrushed with 50/50 Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight.
The cloak was painted with Gnarls Green, drybrushed with Ordic Olive and lighly drybrushed with 50/50 Ordic Olive and Menoth White Highlight. The metal parts were painted with Pig Iron. The wood parts were painted with Bloodstone. The details and eyepeice were toched up with Molten Bronze.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Scion of the Black Blood

The Scion is a tough melee model with a shotgun attack that can affect models near the target. His black blood and movment triggers are also handy as well as the ability for nearbymodels to make interact actions.

The model was primed white and washed with black wash. The skin was then painted with Khador Red base, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh. Pants were Bloodtracker brown with a drybrush of Gun Corps Brown.
The boots, bracers and wood on the shotgun were painted with Umbral Umber, and drybrushed with Bootstrap Leather and lightly drybrushed with Rucksack Tan. The metal parts were painted with Pig Iron. The horns were painted with Coal Black. The purple tatoos were painted with an artists ink pen. The whole model was then washed with Agrax Earthshade.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Blood Wretches

The two player starter box comes with two gangs of four models each. One is Neverborn and one is Guild. I decided to put paint up my Neverborn gang to add to my Nekima gang I’m using in the Shifting Loyalties campaign. What is also nice about the models in the two player starter is that they are all mercenaries so you can use them in any faction, with an extra soulstone.

The model was primed white and washed with black wash. The skin was then painted with Khador Red base, drybrushed with Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed with Ryn Flesh. One fellows pants were painted with Exile Blue, drybrushed with Cygnar Base Blue and lightly drybrushed with Underbelly Blue. The other fellow's pants were painted with Umbral Umber, drybrushed Bloodtracker Brown and lightly drybrushed with Gun Corps Brown.
The fellow on the left's shirt was painted with Ordic Olive and drybrushed with a 50/50 mix of Ordic Olive and Menoth White Highlight then lightly drybrushed with Iosian Green. The other fellow had his shirt painted with Beaten Purple then lightly drybrushed with Murderous Magenta. The hair was painted with Umbral Umber and drybrushed with Bloodstone. The horns were painted with Coal Black. A little Khador Red Base for some blood and the models are done.
The base was painted with Iosian Green and drybrushed with 50/50 Iosian Green and Menoth White Highlight, in order to look like a sanitarium floor. The base molds were done with the Basius 2 Dungeon plate.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Beginnning of 2016

A new year and a new set of resolutions:

-Play boardgames I have bought but have not played yet or enough. Brass, Le Havre, Caylus, Tigris and Euphrates, Through the Ages, and A Few Acres of Snow.

-Paint and play more miniature games that I have. Malifaux, Guildball, Infinity, Firestorm Armada, Dystopian Wars...and maybe Carnivale. In that order. I want to take a break from Warmachine/Hordes.

-Make more terrain. I have lots and lots...and lots of supplies for scratchbuilding and its high time I used them.

-Spend more time at Interactivity Board Game Cafe. Its a great place to try new games and drink more delicious ice cream milkshakes.

-Sell things I do not play. Games Workshop armies, Warmachine armies, boardgames, and not very useful terrain.

End of 2015

Well it has been a great year for playing games and painting models, now that I'm home more. Here is a list of what i've played and how many times.

Role Playing Game Sessions played (2+hr chunks): 37
-Pendragon 5th Edition - 2
-D&D 5th Edition - 16 (Lost Mine of Phandelver)
-D&D 5th Edition - 4 (Princes of the Apocalypse)
-D&D 5th Edition - 13 (Amban Romanesque campaign)
-D&D 5th Edition (GM'd by me) - 2  (Lost mine of Phandelver)
-Star Wars: Age of Rebellion (GM'd by me) - 1

Board Games played: 82
-1775 - 2
-7 Wonders - 4
-7 Wonders Dual (2-Player)
-A Few Acres of Snow - 2
-Carcasonne - 2
-Carcasonne: Discovery
-Carcasonne: Wheel of Fortune - 2
-Combat Commander: Europe
-Dominion -9
-Eldrich Horror
-Flea Circus - 3
-Forbidden Desert
-Glory to Rome
-Grizzled - 3
-Guillotine - 3
-King of New York
-King of Tokyo - 3
-Lost Cities - 3
-Love Letter: Batman Version - 2
-Memoir '44 - 2
-Mille Bornes - 2
-No Thanks! - 5
-Pandemic: Legacy
-Settlers of Catan -5
-Splendor - 13 (taught three times)
-Ticket to Ride: North America
-Ticket to Ride: Europe
-Twilight Struggle

Miniature Games Played: 45
           Gorten Grundback -7
           Durgen Madhammer -5
           General Ossum - 6
      Combined Army
-Malifaux (taught twice)
           Perdita Ortega - 3
           Francisco Ortega - 2
           Lucius -3
           Captain Dashel - 1
           Barbaros - 1
           Mature Nephilium (Enforcer Brawl)
           Viktoria of Blood -7
-Guildball (taught once)
           Butchers - 3
           Fishermen - 5
           Masons - 2

I've also put together 64 of the 25 to 32mm scale miniatures, 97 small scale miniatures, and 10+ peices of terrain.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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