Sunday, November 29, 2020

Solo Frostgrave - Game 02 - The Mausoleum

"Mei had heard from another apprentice of an old mausoleum in a newly thawed part of the frozen city. It had treasures but animated skeletons too. They overwhelmed that apprentice's wizard and most of their warband but the apprentice was looking for a new wizard. We had to act fast before others would take advantage of this information. We had defeated a giant worm...what could go wrong against just a few skeletons?"

Both Misaki and Mei Feng successfully casted Reveal Secrets, meaning a better chance at getting better treasure. Below is the setup I created.

Here is the viewpoint from the wizard Misaki.

Here is the viewpoint from Mei Feng.

Here is a closeup of the center. There are supposed to be four treasures and one other treasure but in solo games there is supposed to only be one central treasure and two other ones, so I scaled that back for this scenario. This terrain was set up so that the skeletons would have LOS to those close to the arches to the board edge I entered and anyone in the inner open area to those further away. 

There was a sighting of a giant four legged beast. In lore it is named "Bella". Mush breath was held until it moved away on its own, hunting who knows what.

"After the beast had moved away, we moved closer to the inner courtyard containing the mausoleum. There were more skeletons there than I had thought and more were stirring inside the open doors. It looked like the previous wizard had opened all the doors simultaneously which animated the dead within. This would be an effort."

During the first turn, after Misaki, Mei Feng and their group moved up, the skeletons started to move towards them. That they were in danger of being mobbed was apparent and I would have to maneuver enough to dispatch them as quickly as possible.

In the second turn, many of my models were swarmed. Injuries to Misaki, Mei Feng, a thief, prisoner 02 occurred and both a thief and a war hound were taken out. Only one skeleton was dispatched. It would be tough going.

"The skeletons were too fast and more were appearing from the doors of the mausoleum closest to us. Beifong II was injured and slinking away. I Transposed to protect Thieves Guild Local EO474 but was bodyslammed by the skeleton he was fighting. Even the newly hired mystic warrior, Toth was bleeding heavily. We had engaged them too early and I should have had Di and Gow soften them up first. We needed another plan and quickly. The skeletons ended up making that plan for us."

Turn three had some dramatic highs and lows. Misaki failed to cast heal on herself meaning she couldn't risk engaging a skeleton mob in combat. Toth was injured by  a skeleton and taken out by another! Prisoner 02 didn't want to attack as he only had two health and was awaiting assistance but when the skeletons attacked, two botched their rolls and Prisoner 02 took them out. This meant that Mei Feng was unengaged and cast heal on Prisoner 02. Because the skeleton that took out Toth was not in melee, Di was able to fire directly and took it out. Gow took out a skeleton that was approaching Prisoner 02 and Mei Feng. 

"The advantage the skeletons had slipped away when they tried to press the advantage. We were lucky. I gave the order to hold while the thieves circled around to get some treasure. We would wait until Di and Gow softened them up at range while healing up. It worked."

Turn four was the turnaround for the warband. Misaki healed and moved up to the gate to stay as a guard. Mei Feng failed to heal and took one point of damage from a botched spell plus took damage from an advancing skeleton. Yeowji Shi, the apocathary, gave a healing potion to prisoner 02 but the skeleton engaging prisoner 02 slammed him and took him out in a brutal blow! Gow took out a skeleton at range and Mei Feng was unsuccessfully attacked which led it to be broken apart by her return blow. When a thief advancing on a treasure had a skeleton come out of a nearby door and attack him, a botched roll meant the skeleton was downed! The tide had fully turned.

"I did not want to be greedy and told Gow and the thief to get their treasures and for everyone to leave the third. I and Mei Feng assisted them with well timed Leap and Fleet Feet spells. Di took out some more skeletons that left the protection of the mausoleum while we left the area. What started out as well planned turned sloppy. Again it was only luck that had most of us get out. Yeowji Shi and us would be busy bringing our injured and fallen back to full health.

All models made full recoveries and no injuries.

Mei Feng made a Heal scroll and Misaki failed making the same type of scroll.

260 experience was gained and with the 100 remaining from the last scenario I increased Misaki's Fight score again, lowered the Heal spell casting number by one, and learned the Invisibility spell from the grimoire taken before. This left 60 experience for the future.

Out of the two treasures I received 180 gold crowns and two grimoires: Control Animal and Reveal Secrets. Since you can only sell grimoires of spells you already know, 200 extra gold crowns were added to Misaki's coffers.

A expensive kennel was added to the Inn, so that I could get another War Hound, Muffy, added to my warband above the eight allowed normally. This bonus Warhound can also be brought into scenarios as an extra model. Hopefully this means more opportunities to get the gangup bonus in melee combat with other models.

"We were all alive, healthy, and more aware of the dangers of Frostgrave. Myself and Mei were developing our abilities and expanding our repertoire. More leads on the secrets of the frozen city were being gathered and although we did not have the respect of the more established wizards, we were gaining their notice. Our band would have to remain on guard."

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Solo Frostgrave - Game 01 - Well of Dreams and Sorrows

"I was only slightly hesitant for my first exploration into the frozen city. It was quiet and my group was ready for just about anything. What I learned next was that there is nothing simple about taking a drink from an enchanted well.

Here is the setup that I did. The central well is the enchanted one, that gives extra experience if the wizard and apprentice that drink from it. The rules for solo games suggest less busy terrain so that the random monsters are not as limited in getting to their meals. My warband is starting from the right side. Before the game, I rolled for the Reveal Secrets spell and Mei Feng was successful, therefore I would have a better haul with one of the treasures taken.

Here is the viewpoint from group around the Wizard, Misaki. 

The first three turns was spent moving up to the central open area around the well and moving into position around the treasures. Many Swift Feet and Teleport spells were cast and Mei Feng managed to drink from the well.

"As we approached the location of the well, there was a slight rumbling sound once we reached the inner courtyard. We gave each other looks that suggested a reflection on our past choices that led us to this point. This was redoubled once Prisoner 02 lifted one of the treasures and we heard the terrible noise busting from the ground in the direction we came. Now our training would determine our future fate."

Turn four. Once any model picks up a treasure that has not already been picked up by a model, the suggested optional rule (mandatory for solo games) is to roll if there is a random encounter. As luck would have it the first encounter in the first solo game is one of the worst...a giant worm! It also appears at a random table edge in the center and, true to luck, appeared at the table edge I entered from and had to leave by! Misaki quickly drank from the well and moved closer to the worm. The worm activates, in solo games, after the Wizard and up to three models within an area around her because of its high health and fight score. The worm moves towards the closest model and its a war hound but needed two moves to get there. Mei Feng cast Glow on the worm to give a bonus for ranged attacks and other models grabbed treasures. A medium construct appeared on a separate table edge and moved to the table center. The archers shot at the worm/warhound fight and each rolled for random target. Even though they both rolled the worm as a target, both failed to score a hit. Things did not look good.

"It was chaos and the worm seemed unstoppable. Arrows were bouncing off its tough hide. I and Mei were trying to get our people out of melee with this creature but failing in some of our spells. My skills were still growing. Although many of us have not spent much time with each other, I had to get them out. I made the decision and Transposed with one of my old friends, Di. It would be the stupidest and best decision."

Things did not go well for the warband over turn five and six but marvelously good for turn seven. Misaki tried to get her people out of combat but her spell failed so the models moved away from possible combat with the worm. The war hound was taken out by the worm after it botched its roll to attack the worm. The worm went after Oiran and knocked her out after one blow! As Di the archer was closest it used its second action to move in order to engage. In solo games, enemy creatures will try not to engage multiple models at once. Mei Feng tried to help with the medium construct so that Misaki and her group could focus on the worm. The archer engaged with the worm did not try to attack but another tried to fire an arrow, rolled the worm as a target, but failed to damage it. On turn six it went not much better but only Di was damaged by the worm. On turn seven I decided to take a long shot chance. As Di the archer was down to almost no health, Gow the archer took a shot and hit the worm with an incredible roll and with the worm rolling low it took out half of its health! Misaki Transposed with Di and took a swipe on the worm, also scoring an incredible hit and scoring another 10 damage! It was all luck.

"The construct was swiftly dispatched by Mei and the crew near her. Even Yeowji joined in. My stupid decision meant that my band knew I would have their back when faced with adversity. We became stronger together after that and lifelong friends. A team."

The remaining two turns was spend taking care of the construct and getting of the table.

Rolling for injuries Oriko, the infantrymen, was badly wounded and missed the next game. Beifong was dead. 

Both Misaki and Mei Feng were unsuccessful with Write Scroll spell.

I received a total of 320 experience for the game but you can only get a maximum of 300. I increased my Fight score by one and lowered the Reveal Secret spell casting number by one, banking the rest. Misaki was now a level two wizard.

With the three treasures, and the help of the Reveal Secrets spell, I rolled up 200 GC and three grimoires (Invisability, Control Demon, and Miraculous Cure). 

After the first game with a Wizard, they can choose what their base is. I chose the Inn, allowing my warband to have an extra person that stays at home who I can switch out before a game. I purchase an improvment to the base, Carrier Pigeons that lower the cost to purchase soldiers by 10, a Mystic Warrior, and a Warhound. The Mystic Warrior will be called Toth and Warhound Beifong II, Mystic Warrior pictured below a Malifaux High River Monk. Now I am ready for the next game.

"We all sat around the very large fireplace eating the spiced stew the staff had made. Sometimes serious, sometimes joking, sometimes teasing. We had become a family with me at the head. It was a great responsibility but also of great reward. I have finally made a home I want to live in."

Friday, November 27, 2020

Solo Frostgrave - Illusionist Warband

Frostgrave second edition is very fun. After reading in the Perilous Dark supplement for Frostgrave, I knew that solo games would also be fun. With new recommendations for keeping the social bubble down to the core household options are limited for people to play this game with, as my spouse prefers board games not miniature games. I have only played three games so far but that is enough to give solo play a try. Here is my initial warband for a solo campaign for Frostgrave, with the intent to play all 20 scenarios in the basic rulebook. I'll be making a post about each scenario. All models are from Wyrd's Malifaux line of models unless otherwise noted.

The Wizard is Misaki, see on the left, who is from the Illusionist school. My idea is that this Wizard will be more melee and quick movement. That way the model can get to where the action is and support their warband in achieving the mission. The model is outfitted with a two handed weapon. Her Apprentice is Mei Feng. The model has a "counts as" hand weapon, ha ha. Their clothing isn't really cold weather appropriate but they are magic using models. so everything is fine. Spells chosen for the Wizard and Apprentice are: Glow, Teleport, and Transpose from the Illusionist school/ Write Scroll, Reveal Secret, and Heal from the Sigilist, Soothsayer, and Thaumaturge schools. Finally Fleet Feet and Leap from the Chronomancer and Summoner schools.

Two archers, specialist category, are Di (Low) and Gow (High). Their names help to tell them apart as the models are aiming slightly low and high. They are Thunder Archer models, without their hats. You can only have a maximum of four specialists in a Wizard's warband.

The Apocathary, Yeowji Shi, is able to help Wizard and Apprentice models after a game ends to heal after being injured or badly wounded. It is the Gorman di Wulfe model from Privateer Press Warmachine line. The robed lady is Oiran with a two-handed weapon (Infantryman) and the model is a Kunoichi.

These models are two thieves (Thieves Guild Local EO474 and EO478) who do not talk much. They are Batman Miniature game models from the Hugo Strange Arkham Asylum group, here and here, no longer in production.

The Warhound is Beifong, who is fast but not a great combatant. Its advantage is to add +2 for other models it is engaging in melee. The model is a Guild Hound. a model who does not talk much is Prisoner 02, on loan from the regional capital and serving time for unnamed crimes. It is a model from the Batman Miniature game line from the Blackgate Prison group, here and here, no longer in production with these sculpts.

The above crew cost 385 gold crowns leaving 15 crowns in the pot for future purchases.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


 Made out of styrofoam, these modular aqueducts (six one arch and two double arch) will provide some more blocking and cover terrain for models on the street level. It will also provide a way for models to move from building to building.

With the addition of some of my rubble terrain, they can make some interesting tabletop games.

They are also usable in 10mm scale, as seen with my Mechwarrior figs for Horizon Wars.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

LOTR Scenery

 I had these LOTR GW scenery in a box and I thought this would be perfect for more Frostgrave terrain. They went together very quickly and painted quickly too. Primed black, heavy drybrush dark grey, drybrush grey. Wood inner second floor painted dark brown and drybrushed mix dark brown and ivory. It would also work for many other games I have.

Because they are not joined together, they can be reconfigured for any footprint of building.

Friday, November 20, 2020


 Usable for any game, I took some Lord of the Rings movie chess pieces made out of plastic and made them into statues. I was going to sell the set, as I had not used it since I bought it 20 years ago, but with a wash of GW technical Nihilakh Oxide and a drybrush of Dwarven Bronze they are done.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Frostgrave Ruins

 Along with the rubble and stairs, come the ruins. The blocks were made the same way as the rubble I made and painted the same too.

They can be joined together to form building footprints. 

The different heights make for a good look as well, I think.

The footprint of created building ruins depend on if I consider all four sides. I may make more as I like the effect and options of creating whatever footprint of ruined building I wish.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Frostgrave Rubble

 To make the game more interesting, I made ten rubble terrain units to slow down models and provide light cover/intervening terrain to help models be harder to hit from ranged attacks. It worked quite well in the first game we played with them.

I started with pink styrofoam sheets I had around.

I then used a hotwire to slice strips then sliced the strips into equal length blocks.

The hotwire device I used was this one.

I then shook them up in a drum with rocks. However next time I will use harder rocks as the dust created meant I needed to wash the styrofoam afterwards.

Here is the difference between an un-rocked styrofoam block and a rocked one. The edges smooth out nicely but the softer stones didn't make the indentations I wanted.

You can make a lot quite quickly once you get into the zone.

I then sliced up the styrofoam and used both parts to make the rubble.

I then mixed glue, grit, and black temera paint i had lying around to give some smaller rubble texture. I then drybrushed the rocks dark grey and lightly brushed them grey. The ground I painted dark brown. I added some snow on fresh craft glue to areas and acheived the snow effects. The Army Painter battlefield snow worked best.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Frostgrave Stairs

 Its been ten years since I have made any terrain out of styrofoam so it was a bit of a learning curve to make these stairs for Frostgrave games. My friend and I have found that having stairs would help models move on top of buildings as it movement intensive. Plus a lot of gameboards seen online, and with official Frostgrave terrain, show ladders/stairs/ramps.

So here are the six sets of stairs I made, with a Mr Freeze miniature (unpainted) from the Batman Miniature game because it was what I had readily available.

Part of the inspiration came, courtesy of a link from a friend, from this youtube video by BlackMagicCraft

I started with blue foam, from a hardware store, sliced up with a regular hotwire.

I then measured out steps to climb three inches of height with steps big enough for 30/40/50mm bases. I could have made it more realistic looking but that would sacrifice allowing models of all bases being stable on the stairs. 

To rough them up, I used the method in the above youtube video and got a coffee tin with rocks and shook them up with one styrofoam stairs inside. It was INCREDIBLY loud but I had ear protection. Unfortunately the rocks I used were chalky so I had to wash the styrofoam afterwards. I was not completly happy with the weathering marks on the foam so I used a rolled up ball of aluminum foil and that did they trick. In the future I will use river rocks in the tumbler as they will resist breaking up and create better indents.

This was the result of the stones and aluminum foil. They were then glued using craft glue to sheets of plasitcard I had cut to better stabilize the stairs on the table. The pink styrofoam terrain will be shown in a future post.

I also made a mix of small rocks, craft glue, and dollarstore paint and applied it on various pars of the terrain. This gave rough rubble areas.

After that I painted the stairs and base with black Temera, that I had lying around. It didn't quite cover the blue so I used some black dollar store paint. Unfortunately it was kids window paint and when I started drybrushing grey, the dollarstore kids window paint started to come off and blend into the grey. I had to cover the model with regular dollarstore paint. Then I heavily drybrushed the stairs dark grey then drybrushed it grey. The ground around to was painted dark brown. I then used snow effect powder with craft glue to finish the terrain. I can use these stairs for other games as well, but because they were easy to make I will make more generic ones without snow.

One final note. I used my older snow effect, from GF9, but after a night drying it mostly disappeared. I then picked up some Army Pinter Battlefield Snow and that gave the effect in the picture above. The second snow expanded with the glue where the GF9 one did not. I will still try to find a use for the GF9 product at some point.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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